It took the rest of the day to sheer the sheep, thank god for flint, it is razor sharp, even then, it wasn’t the best sheering job ever done, but we did however get a lot more fleece than I thought. We also built a small secure enclosure for them as well; we also hobbled them front and back, so if they did get loose we could catch them again. Early next morning, I had Joe build the fire pit while Clair collected the wood for the fire, I killed the larger of the two rams, I then helped collect the stones, for the oven and had stored as much fat as I could, in the bags made from the bowels of the deer. Everything was done downwind of our young ram, once the ram was on for cooking I then sent Joe and Clair in different directions to see if they could find more flocks. I couldn't go for they would smell me now a mile away, so I stayed at camp and got on with fixing better shelters for us, as the storms in the mountains could be terrible. I also picked a load of grass for the ram, and talked to it for quite some time, he wasn’t happy at first but after a while he realised nothing drastic was happening and stuck his head down to eat and drink. I never went too close, for the smell of blood that would be on me even though I had washed. I also worked on my long bow I was making, the best tool for killing at a distance if you got it right, a total flop if you got it wrong, the snap of no confidence. I had studied under bowyers for a year before I felt confident and had made quite a few bows in my time, using some strange wood at times, but you had to go with what was available. I had helped the team build their bows first and
showed them how to make arrows and flint heads for the arrows. One of the jobs they would be doing back at main camp was making arrows, for we would before winter have to hunt bear. We all now carried two spears and a bow and arrows with us, except me of course, most had made their own throwing hammers, I was glad of that for there was nothing better for bringing down birds.
That evening when the guys got back, we had some good news Clair had found a flock of around fifty to sixty sheep and in a rather deep valley, Joe had spotted single males most of the day, and a small flock of six, so we would go for Clair’s flock. I had already dug up the ram and cut the meat into manageable sections for carrying, it had been cooling for a couple of hours, the dinner was hot though.
We had dinner and moved, we would have to be fast and work all night, to block the exits and we could still miss one and lose the lot. She would have to lead us on this one, we had also to carry quite a bit of cord, as she knew where the flock was, she hadn’t come back until she had watched them bed down for the night.
We worked through the night and had only one exit left to seal, we were working as quietly and as fast as we could, with two of us going back and forward to collect branches, to make a quick barrier. We had just got back with enough to finish it when around the corner came the sheep; they must have been trying the other ways and couldn't get out, and were now trying this way. Oh, they were not happy, but Joe noticed they were all in a narrow bit and were having trouble turning around. Clair said go for it and this snapped Joe and me out of our stupor, we ran at them causing complete mayhem as they tried to jump on each other’s backs and just getting more tangled, we were grabbing back legs and tying them both together as fast as we could. I don’t know if Joe was being kicked as much as me but we would have some cracking bruises to show later,
Soon Clair was right there with us and I was running out of cord, at least the short stuff, I grabbed the long one from my body and started to tie them around the neck but still joined to another, then they were gone like magic. All we were left with was the ones we had tangled and tied their legs; we tied all their legs and had surprisingly seventeen sheep. Clair
Kent Flannery, Joyce Marcus