A Sensible Lady: A Traditional Regency Romance

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Book: A Sensible Lady: A Traditional Regency Romance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Judith Lown
Tags: Romance
sustained. Sir Alfred in January, and then Sir Richard in June. You cannot be sorry to see 1813 come to an end, I imagine.”
    “You are all kindness, Lord Dracott,” Aunt Prunella declared, dabbing at tears.
    “I do not doubt it would be easy enough to get witnesses to the contrary, Miss Summersville.” Henry Dracott shifted uneasily in his chair.
    “From what I hear, I owe you my sincere gratitude for attempting to instruct my daughter, Lizzie, in the rudiments of feminine deportment.”
    “Miss Dracott is a dear child,” Aunt Prunella said feelingly. “And while she can be a bit impatient with the social niceties, she shows marked aptitude for learning her letters and sums, which Katherine has been teaching her from time to time.”
    “Then I am in your debt even more than I knew.”
    “Nonsense, my lord,” Katherine answered quickly. “Miss Dracott is a breath of fresh air, and, given the generosity of your late father to us, it was a wonderful surprise that we could be of any help at all in exchange. But, of course we understand, now you are returned, you will no doubt wish to engage a governess for her. Miss Lizzie is certainly ready intellectually, if not temperamentally, for regular lessons.”
    Lord Dracott chuckled.
    “You have the right of it there, I fear, Miss Brampton. The only lessons for which Lizzie has any enthusiasm seem to be in horse riding and warfare. A regular Boadicea I have on my hands.”
    He sounded more proud than regretful.
    “But, I think it’s early days yet to tie her down to the disciplines of a governess. I would hate to have her associate my return with losing her freedom. Another year, I reckon, should be plenty early for Lizzie to settle down to serious lessons.”
    “And, by then, perhaps, she might have a new mama to guide her,” Aunt Prunella suggested.
    Instantly the merriment left the baron, and his warm, sparkling eyes turned cold.
    “I sincerely doubt that is likely, Miss Summersville,” he replied in flat tones. “Taking up the reins of this patch of Sussex will keep me more than occupied without my having to trot up to London and endure the inanities of the Marriage Mart.”
    “Lord Dracott! I do apologize for speaking out of turn.” Aunt Prunella was so stricken, Katherine feared she might be reduced to tears. “How thoughtless of me! How often my dear father, you will remember he was an archdeacon, cautioned against making such personally presumptuous statements.”
    “My dear Miss Summersville, please do not give it a moment’s thought.”
    Katherine was not alone in fearing Aunt Prunella might cry. Obviously, Lord Henry Dracott was the sort of man who would rather face a charge by the French army than the tears of a lady.
    “Such speculation is inevitable, I imagine. And I am sure it is rooted in sincere wishes for my happiness. But, all in good time, as they say.”
    “I am certain, my lord, that Aunt Prunella’s and my leasing of this house came as something of a surprise to you.” Katherine was eager to turn the direction of conversation. “The terms of the lease the late Lord Dracott gave us were most generous, and if you wish to change them, we would understand.”
    For all her good intentions, she received an even frostier glare from the baron than had her aunt.
    “Of course I will honor all agreements entered into by my father, Miss Brampton. How could you think otherwise?”
    “Please forgive my niece, my lord,” Aunt Prunella offered hastily. “Sometimes I fear her pride gets in the way of her judgment.”
    “It is a relief to know Miss Brampton has you to guide her in these matters, Miss Summersville,” Henry Dracott said solemnly, but Katherine detected the twitch at the corner of his mouth that betrayed amusement.
    She was not sorry that he chose that moment to take his leave. She was finding conversations with Lord Henry Dracott taxing.
    “Gracious me!” The front door had scarcely closed behind their guest before Aunt
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