A New Resolution

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Book: A New Resolution Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ceri Grenelle
Tags: Holidays; Contemporary; Menage; Multicultural
his meaty face every time he saw him. He couldn’t understand how Ms. Beyer could be so calm when looking the asshole in the face after having seen how he’d molested her on that tape.
    Movement around the conference room. The participants of the meeting standing. Nolan shook himself out of his thoughts and stood with everyone else. The trial had ended, and a verdict had been reached. Tragically, it had come to light during the proceedings that Michael Krueger had not only harassed the ladies of his office but had gone so far as to rape one of them. There was proof, but up until this point the former employee had been too scared to come forth. With the support of Lore and the other women of the office, she’d stepped forward and produced evidence of the attack. Krueger was to be tried at a later date for the rape charges. But for now, he currently owed each woman a hefty bag of change, especially Ms. Beyer.
    The pissed-off Krueger had to be removed from the courtroom by police as he argued with his lawyer, shooting the women nasty looks and looking more pissed and red-faced than Nolan had ever seen him.
    Now they sat in a conference room and were concluding the final debriefing with the women of the case and basking in the satisfaction of a win. Wayne clapped Nolan on his shoulder, yanking his attention from his dark thoughts and back to the more pleasant atmosphere left in the conference room. A familiar, beaming smile lit up the man’s slightly wrinkly features.
    “Thank you, Nolan. Good showing.” They shook hands before turning back to the women, who in turn were congratulating each other and discussing how they wished the miserable Krueger would burn in hell or get stuck in a toilet somewhere. He noticed Ms. Beyer quietly packing up her briefcase, keeping herself separate from the group.
    Nolan also couldn’t help but notice how remarkably pretty she was. Pale skin with long hair as black as coal swept back in a neat and tidy braid. He wondered if there would be curls in her hair after taking the braid out. He’d like to see those dark curls sweep her pale, slender shoulders, or blow in a breeze past her ruby-red lips. The woman’s reserved nature seemed to pull Nolan in like a tractor beam. It awakened something deep and strong in his heart, something he had felt only once before.
    “Let’s go out and celebrate!” the redhead named Margaret exclaimed, looking around at the small group with, finally, a bright smile after weeks of distressed frowns and painful memories. He was truly happy for the women, comforted they would each receive some sort of justice for the bastard’s transgressions, even if he couldn’t wipe the experience from their memories. “Wayne, Nolan, you two are, of course, coming with us. This never would have been possible if it weren’t for you both.”
    Wayne grinned cheekily at the ladies. The man was in his midsixties, but he could still make a woman sigh. Had to respect a guy with that much swagger. “Sorry, ladies. The wife is expecting me.”
    “Well, what about you, Nolan? No wife or girlfriend waiting for you at home, I hope?” the exuberant Kathy asked while fluttering her thick eyelashes.
    Nolan enjoyed the attention but knew they would be disappointed by his answer. “Nope. No woman at home.” He held up his hand before they could react joyfully. “But there is a man.”
    “Aww.” Kathy sighed with a good-natured pout. “All the good ones are gay or taken.” All the women, aside from Ms. Beyer, chimed in with their sad agreements to the age-old saying.
    He wouldn’t correct them by stating he and his boyfriend, Kieran, were both bisexual. He didn’t want to get their hopes up. But seeing the small smile on Ms. Beyer’s plump lips as their eyes connected made him want to whisper the truth to her in a dark private room, where he and Kieran could surround and consume her. What was it about this woman that made him want so badly? Adding a vision of his artistic lover
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