A New Resolution
second, Lore slung the purse holding the external hard drive over her shoulder and slipped into the IT room. As a senior member of the staff, one the CEO of the company had given special privileges to, she had full access to all in-office networks.
    Sitting down at the main IT desk, she logged into the computer using an alternate username assigned to her by the CEO in case of emergencies, then copied every single report she’d ever written for the company onto the same external hard drive, checking the time stamps first to make sure the jackass hadn’t already tampered with them. Through it all her demeanor was remote and her outward calm unpenetrated. She was a silent soldier in the battle for her female coworkers and the respect they deserved.
    Task completed, she went back to her office and cleaned out any personal items from the desks and shelves. It wasn’t a lot as she didn’t believe in showing off her personal life to her coworkers, not that she had much of one. Once done, she sat at her desk one last time and e-mailed a resignation letter, plainly stating the reason for her resignation and accusing her boss of sexual harassment and that she had proof of the fact. She forwarded the resignation letter to her longtime family lawyer, Wayne Iver, adding a file with some snapshots of the camera recordings and requesting a meeting for the next day. Even though the circumstances were unfortunate, it would be good to see Wayne. She’d known the man since he came to her rescue during her father’s trial.
    As she rode the elevator down to the parking garage, she imagined what Mr. Krueger’s tan face would look like when he realized he’d finally been bested, and by a woman. The thought was exhilarating, and she allowed herself a small, triumphant smile.

Chapter Two
    Over the past few weeks, Nolan Roscoe had watched the pretty Miss Lore Beyer work her magic during the trial as she defended her case. He’d never seen a woman face down a man who had sexually harassed her with such cool aplomb. He knew the lawsuit wasn’t fake, wasn’t a boy-who-cried-wolf case. Everyone had seen the incriminating surveillance tape. Everyone had read the real reports the woman had wisely copied onto a personal hard drive, as the accused had falsified the same documents to incriminate her in turn. The sweaty man had been caught red-handed, and Ms. Beyer, along with several other women in the office who had stepped forward with similar complaints, finally feeling brave enough to tell their stories, were going to reap the benefits.
    The other women, Nolan could believe they were the victims of sexual harassment. When they gave their testimony, they had each set angry, righteous gazes on the defendant. These were women enraged that they had been treated in such a manner and embarrassed that they had kept quiet about it for so long, especially when others had suffered the same fate. Their testimonies were passionate, bursting with outrage, as they had every right to be after what was done to them. But not Ms. Beyer.
    She was as cool and collected as the resignation e-mail she’d sent her employer, outlining the specific accounts of harassment she’d been put through at her office. So detached from the situation, she recited her stories like facts on a spreadsheet. Her recounting of the tale had been performed in exactly the same manner when she’d retold the events of that day to Nolan and his partner, Wayne Iver. Wayne was technically Ms. Beyer’s lawyer, but he’d wanted Nolan’s support on this case, knowing it was going to be a heavy load with all the other women stepping forward.
    Michael Krueger was a bigwig in the marketing industry. He’d worked at various firms across the country, never managing to stay in one place for more than a year or two. But there was no doubt, as the son of a wealthy billionaire, that Krueger had plenty of money to spare for settling sexual harassment lawsuits. The little shit. Nolan wanted to punch
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