A New Hope

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Book: A New Hope Read Online Free PDF
Author: George Lucas
go after him? LUKE It’s too dangerous with all the Sandpeople around. We’ll have to wait until morning.
    Owen yells up from the homestead plaza.
    OWEN Luke, I’m shutting the power down for the night. LUKE All right, I’ll be there in a few minutes. Boy, am I gonna get it. He takes one final look across the dim horizon. LUKE You know that little droid is going to cause me a lot of trouble.
    THREEPIO Oh, he excels at that, sir.
    Morning slowly creeps into the sparse but sparkling oasis of the open courtyard. The idyll is broken be the yelling of Uncle Owen, his voice echoing throughout the homestead. OWEN Luke? Luke? Luke? Where could he be loafing now!
    The interior of the kitchen is a worm glow as Aunt Beru prepares the morning breakfast. Owen enters in a huff.
    OWEN Have you seen Luke this morning?
    AUNT BERU He said he had some things to do before he started today, so he left early.
    OWEN Uh? Did he take those two new droids with him? AUNT BERU I think so.
    OWEN Well, he’d better have those units in the south range repaired be midday or there’ll be hell to pay!
    EXTERIOR TATOOINE —DESERT WASTELAND —LUKE’S SPEEDER —DAY. The rock and sand of the desert floor are a blur as Threepio pilots the sleek Landspeeder gracefully across the vast wasteland.
    INTERIOR/EXTERIOR LUKE’S SPEEDER —DESERT WASTELAND —TRAVELING —DAY. Luke leans over the back of the speeder and adjusts something in the motor compartment.
    LUKE (yelling) How’s that.
    Threepio signals that is fine and Luke turns back into the wind-whipped cockpit and pops the canopy shut.
    LUKE Old Ben Kenobi lives out in this direction somewhere, but I don’t see how that R2 unit could have come this far. We must have missed him. Uncle Owen isn’t going to take this very well. THREEPIO Sir, would it help if you told him it was my fault. LUKE (brightening) Sure. He needs you. He’d probably only deactivate you for a day or so…
    THREEPIO Deactivate! Well, on the other hand if you hadn’t removed his restraining bolt…
    LUKE Wait, there’s something dead ahead on the scanner. It looks like our droid…hit the accelerator.
    EXTERIOR TATOOINE —ROCK MESA —DUNE SEA —COASTLINE —DAY. From high on a rock mesa, the tiny Landspeeder can be seen gliding across the desert floor. Suddenly in the foreground two weather-beaten Sandpeople shrouded in their grimy desert cloaks peer over the edge of the rock mesa. One of the marginally human creatures raises a long ominous laser rifle and points it at the speeder but the second creature grabs the gun before it can be fired.
    The Sandpeople, or Tusken Raiders as they’re sometimes called, speak in a coarse barbaric language as they get into an animated argument. The second Tusken Raider seems to get in the final word and the nomads scurry over the rocky terrain. EXTERIOR TATOOINE —ROCK MESA —CANYON.
    The Tusken Raider approaches two large Banthas standing tied to a rock. The monstrous, bear-like creatures are as large as elephants, with huge red eyes, tremendous looped horns, and long, furry, dinosaur-like tails. The Tusken Raiders mount saddles strapped to the huge creatures’ shaggy backs and ride off down the rugged bluff.
    The speeder is parked on the floor of a massive canyon. Luke, with his long laser rifle slung over his shoulder, stands before little Artoo.
    LUKE Hey, whoa, just where do you think you’re going? The little droid whistles a feeble reply, as Threepio poses menacingly behind the little runaway.
    THREEPIO Master Luke here is your rightful owner. We’ll have no more of this Obi-Wan Kenobi jibberish…and don’t talk to me about your mission, either. You’re fortunate he doesn’t blast you into a million pieces right here.
    LUKE Well, come on. It’s getting late. I only hope we can get back before Uncle Owen really blows up.
    THREEPIO If you don’t mind my saying
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