A Most Wicked Headmaster (BDSM Erotica)

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Book: A Most Wicked Headmaster (BDSM Erotica) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jay Merson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Sex, eBooks, Adult, sexy, BDSM, Readers, bondage, Erotic, Women, sexual, spanking, mens
across the mounds of their pussies were the real bonus. The
white ankle socks and the long lean legs were his favourite and the
headmaster busied himself making his selections from the third
stream of the sixth form.
    On the beams, the springboards and on the wall bars, the
little sluts flaunted their bodies under is watchful gaze, bending,
stooping, squatting and more, all for his benefit with each of them
trying to out-flash the next girl.
    He chuckled to himself as he imagined their little pussies
moistening and their sweet little clitorises firming as their
bodies discovered sexual feelings. The rosy pink nipples hardening
to stand out in most desirable attention; simply waiting for his
mouth to cover them, to suck and to bite on the tender buds. His
mirth grew as he imagined the shock they would experience when
bound and helpless, tasting the bite of the cane for the first time
in their pretty, naive lives. Of the way they would gasp and
whimper as he pushed his enormous cock up inside their tight little
tunnels. The real joy for him though was in fucking the slut's
arses, the shock, revulsion, disgust and discomfort they showed
when he did so excited him more than anything else. The headmaster
completed his list and retired, his pounding erection would surely
be seen if he remained. Not that he minded the sluts seeing it,
that aided his cause but staff members gossiped, that he knew and
he had a position to maintain, he was after all, the school's
    The male members of staff had all been interviewed, as too had
the non-fuckable female members. He had worked through the list of
them with rapidity, conducting simply a courtesy meeting so as to
be seen to be impartial. He had encouraged and praised, commented
and cautioned but his interests did not lay with them. The next one
on the list was the youngest, another trainee and ripe for the
    The headmaster stood and positioned himself at the window as
the knock on the door announced her arrival.
    She was young, not much over twenty he guessed, a delightful
little thing, pretty, petite and so very fearful, it showed as she
entered. The girl was athletic, her body honed by constant
exercise, it showed in her developed thighs beneath the tight Lycra
shorts. Her breasts thrust out pleasingly, not large but ample, the
shape of them clearly defined beneath the thin tee shirt. Her hair
was tied back in a ponytail, mousy brown and not over-long it
formed a pleasing tail at the back, just right to grip on and to
gain purchase he fucked her he mused.
    "Ah, Caroline isn't it?" he greeted warmly to put her at
    She confirmed it and sat, wriggling slightly uncomfortably
under his critical gaze.
    The headmaster lounged back again the window frame eyeing her
bare thighs and shapely calves.
    "The games mistress," he stated.
    "Trainee, actually, not fully qualified as yet."
    He nodded.
    "Yes, working under Mr. James the physical training
    He walked slowly to his desk and sat down, crossing his legs
    "A great interest of mine, physical activity, it is how I
started out teaching - just like you."
    "Really?" she beamed and straightened, her interest
    "Quite an athlete in my time but sadly that is now past. I am
however well qualified to assess you, along with Mr. James'
recommendations naturally."
    "Of course," she confirmed with a hint of hesitance in
sounding in her voice.
    "Not going well with him?"
    She shook her head.
    "Could be better."
    He used a low and coaxing tone to reassure.
    "You will gain nothing other than a fair assessment from me,
please be assured."
    Her mood brightened and her eyes sparkled to send a
ball-quivering jerk in his groin.
    "Thank you," she said with sincerity.
    The headmaster opened the folder on his desk and read the
contents silently for a minute or so.
    "Stand please and turn around several times."
    She did so, without hesitation, proud to show her
    "My!" he complimented, "you
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