A Most Peculiar Circumstance

A Most Peculiar Circumstance Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Most Peculiar Circumstance Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jen Turano
Tags: Romance
motion, and a few seconds later he was standing in front of a closed door, the sound of laughter still drifting through it. He twisted the knob and stalked into the room.
    Sheriff Dawson was sitting behind a desk, a cigar clamped between his teeth. Three deputies were sprawled around him in wooden chairs, glasses of whiskey clenched in their hands. His temper changed to amusement when he noted the dismal state of their clothing. Liberal streaks of something foul coated every man, and a glimmer of satisfaction flowed through him. At least Miss Beckett was not the only one who’d suffered from the encounter with the pig.
    “Gentlemen,” he exclaimed as he strolled across the floor and stopped in front of the sheriff’s desk, “we have matters to discuss.”
    “Is she the lady you sought?” Sheriff Dawson asked.
    “She is.”
    The sheriff took a puff of his cigar. “Did she tell you she shot a man and caused me and my deputies no small amount of distress?”
    Theodore eased down into a chair and crossed his ankle over his leg. “I find it difficult to believe one refined lady was capable of causing too much distress. As for the shooting incident, we’ll need to discuss that in private.”
    Sheriff Dawson frowned. “That woman is no ‘refined lady,’ and I see no need for privacy, since my men were the victims of her crime spree.”
    “Rescuing a woman from a prostitution ring hardly constitutes a crime spree.”
    “We don’t have a prostitution ring here in Gilman,” one of the deputies said as he ambled to his feet and moved to a table where he proceeded to pour himself another drink.
    “Prostitution may be nonexistent in your small town, but I can assure you, something of a disturbing nature is happening on the outskirts.” Theodore looked to Sheriff Dawson. “As for Miss Beckett, you and your men arrested the only daughter of Mr. Douglas Beckett, owner of Beckett Railroads.”
    An uneasy silence filled the room.
    “She’s a railroad Beckett?” Sheriff Dawson asked as a bead of sweat dribbled off his nose.
    “She is, and that’s why I’m going to suggest you immediately release her and Miss James into my custody.”
    Sheriff Dawson settled back in his chair. “I’m afraid I can’t do that. Railroad royalty or not, she did shoot a man and then tried to evade arrest.”
    “Which I find perfectly understandable, considering Miss Beckett was confronted by a man of the criminal persuasion who tried to stop her from saving Miss James. I would have shot the man too, and I certainly would have tried toevade arrest if the authorities didn’t seem very interested in apprehending the true criminal.”
    Sheriff Dawson released a boisterous laugh. “Don’t tell me you believe all that nonsense, boy? These are women you’re dealing with, and everyone knows you can’t trust a woman to tell the truth. Don’t let Miss Beckett and Miss James hoodwink you into believing they’re innocent just because they are pretty ladies.”
    “Don’t call me boy, and don’t presume that I’m an idiot.” He reached into his pocket, drew out his billfold, extracted a card, and tossed it across the desk toward Sheriff Dawson.
    “You already told me you’re a private investigator.”
    “Read the card.”
    Sheriff Dawson plucked the card off the table, scanned it, and turned a little pale. He gestured to his men. “I need to speak with this gentleman, alone.”
    “I don’t think that’s wise, boss,” the deputy who’d spoken earlier said before he tipped his glass back and took a noisy swig. “I don’t trust him.”
    Sheriff Dawson pulled open a drawer on his desk, extracted a pistol, and sent the deputy a wink. “I’ll be fine, Cunningham.”
    Even though the three deputies began to mutter under their breaths, they did finally meander from the room. Theodore waited until the door closed behind the last deputy before he turned back to the sheriff and arched a brow.
    “What’s going on in your
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