that. And I think it fit nicely with my flipping plans. So I’ve been clinging to that idea. Especially since, as days have gone by, finding the right house has begun to seem unlikely and fairly impossible. So I’ve been trying to trust God. Hoping for the impossible to materialize. On the bright side, and as Dad pointed out, this waiting period has given me time to work out the financing and get preapproved so I’ll be ready to jump when the opportunity arises. Maybe it’s today.
“So, where’s the house?” I ask Betty, feeling unexpectedly hopeful as I unlock my car, open it up, and stand outside for a moment, waiting for the interior to cool off. It’s been a long day. The kids know that the school year’s nearly over, so they’re getting antsy. For the last couple of hours, all I’ve wanted to do was go home, kick off my shoes, and dive into a new carton of B&J’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie yogurt. Yes, I’m talking about frozen yogurt,
ice cream. After harping on Dad about his dietary choices and after witnessing the shape of my thighs, I decided it was time to cut back on some fat and carbs myself. As a result, I’ve been eating frozen yogurt for more than a week now, and I’m almost getting used to it. At least it’s chocolate, and it’s cool and refreshing. Okay, I still watch HGTV when I’m not out hunting for a house. But now I consider it a research resource, a form of education, like Remodeling 101. But suddenly the lure of chocolate frozen yogurt and TV pales in comparison to seeing this house.
“It’s on the east side,” says Betty.
“East side…” I consider this. It’s the least desirable section of town, but it’s also the cheapest. “What’s the house like?”
“I haven’t seen it yet, but the price is in your ballpark.”
“Which part of the ballpark?”
“It’s just been listed at $479,000. But my real-estate friend Judy says she’s sure they’ll have to come down. Apparently it’s been a rental for quite some time … and it sounds like it’s not in very good shape.”
“That’s what I’m looking for.” I get in my car now, turn on the engine, and crank up the air conditioning.
“Anyway, I have the key if you want to stop by and get it from me. I’d offer to go with you to check out the house, but I need to get to my hair appointment in a few minutes. I thought maybe you could meet me in town.”
“I have to run home and take care of Riley first,” I tell her. “He’ll need some exercise. But then I could swing by your place and pick it up if that’s okay. When do you think you’ll be finished at the hair place?”
“I expect it’ll be a couple of hours. After my hair, I’m getting a manicure and pedicure. You know I’m going on that European trip with my sister, and I have to get myself all fixed up before we leave.” She laughs lightly.
“When do you go?”
“Friday morning.”
“And you really plan to be gone for two whole months?”
“Yes. Louise and I will start with a two-week Mediterranean cruise, just to relax and catch up. And after that, we’ll tour around France, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland in a rental car. We wantto take it at a leisurely pace, lingering in certain places and basically just soaking it all in.”
“Sounds wonderful. Dads really going to miss you.”
“Well, I have a feeling you’ll be keeping him pretty busy with your house-flipping project while I’m gone.”
“I hope so.”
“Gretchen, just don’t let him overdo it, okay?” I hear warmth in her voice now, like she might care for him more than I realized. For Dad’s sake, I hope that’s the case.
“Of course not. He’s simply going to be my consultant.”
“Now what about the key? I’m dying to see this house!”
“How about if I leave it, along with the address and Judy’s card, with the receptionist at Simi’s Salon?”
“Sounds perfect.”
“And if I don’t see you before I leave, good luck with your