A Man for the Summer

A Man for the Summer Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Man for the Summer Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ruby Laska
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, small town
I could come up with over at the motel. Look, I’ll pick up a couple of steaks, I’ll even grill ‘em for you if you want. What time’s good?”
    Now the incredulous look on Junior’s face deepened to indignation. Her skin flushed with pink, an adorable pink that made the freckles dusted across the bridge of her nose stand out.
    “Dream on, Griff. Don’t you have to be somewhere? Like, Chicago? Remember? You were in a big hurry to get home.”
    “Come on, Junior, don’t be difficult.”
    She opened her mouth, closed it again. He watched the sparks fly in her narrowed green eyes with some amusement. Yes indeed, she was easy to provoke.
    “Difficult? Just because I don’t want to have dinner I’m being difficult? Tell me, am I the only woman ever to turn down a date with you, or something?”
    Griff sighed, and took a step, closing the distance between them. With satisfaction he noted that she licked her lips nervously.
    He knew desire when he saw it.
    “Okay, you asked for it,” he said.
    And he kissed her.

    She saw it coming. Saw his lips part in anticipation, his eyelids drift down over those smoky gray eyes. Felt his hands tighten at her back, smoothing her body against his.
    And she hauled back and gave him such a smack with the back of her hand that he went reeling, landing in the dirt ten feet away.
    At least, that’s what Junior meant to do.
    Funny how the body can fail to execute the mind’s orders sometimes.
    Damn, Griff Ross could kiss. The second the warmth of his lips pressed hers, she knew she was a goner.
    He kissed like he meant it. He took his time and delved, explored, all the while running those strong, sensual hands along her spine, which was turning into Jell-O, along with the rest of her. Junior melted against him, gave up, and kissed him back.
    “Unnnh,” she finally breathed, when he gently pulled away and looked at her, his eyes fiery with desire and something else, something…deeper. Junior felt the flush of embarrassment creep into her skin.
    Yeah, he’d started it, but she’d sure jumped on that wagon.
    “Hey,” Griff said, gently tipping up her chin with his thumb. “Come back here.”
    Junior blinked a few times.
    “The thing is, I haven’t…nobody’s kissed me in, well, quite a while.”
    “That so. Well honey, that’s nothing compared to what we’re going to do tonight. But don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.”
    Indignation somehow made itself felt despite the rush of sensual anticipation his words caused.
    “The hell!”
    This time she did manage to step back from him, though the effect was diminished by the fact that she was still trying to catch her breath from that kiss.
    “Junior,” Griff said, and took her arm in what was a decidedly proprietary way. Junior gave it a shake, but he held on.
    “Honey,” he continued, and his eyes grew softer. Almost…pitying. Junior wrenched her arm again, and having managed to free it, stood there rubbing it self-consciously.
    Junior hated pity. If this puffed-up idiot could tell from her kiss that she hadn’t gotten any in a while, then maybe she needed to put the training wheels back on the bike, so to speak. Just because she hadn’t dated anyone since she’d moved back, shouldn’t mean she’d lost her touch—should it?
    “Look, I know about…your situation,” Griff went on, his voice softer. “I want to help. Junior, I want to, well, to make love to you.”
    His words hit her like a bus. Hit her and backed up and ran over her again. Rosie. Damn her. She had to have told him. But how? When? While she was in the ladies’ room?
    It didn’t matter. Rosie had gone and made a ridiculous plea on her behalf, an insane request to a total stranger, and she had somehow managed to find the one man insane enough to agree.
    Well, just because the two of them had lost her mind, didn’t mean she had to. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to get pregnant, even if this was her only chance. On
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