A Love Worth Saving (Forever Yours Book 2)

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Book: A Love Worth Saving (Forever Yours Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Anna James
make you feel a little better.”
    Tears formed in the corner of her eyes. “It does, and thank you for going out of your way to do this, especially since you were gone and already have so much on your plate with starting your business.”
    Nicole gave a little wave of her hand. “Like that would ever stop me when it comes to you and Kate. You two mean everything to me.”
    Nicole was right. The three sisters had been tight ever since their parents died. They’d had Gran for a couple of years, but then she passed, too, and it had been just the three of them ever since.
    But not anymore. Nicole had Max now. They had the real deal: true love, and she’d wager Kate was well on her way to falling in love, too, if her texts and phone conversations over the last month were any indication. Every sentence started and ended with Rafe D’Onofrio.
    Ashley wanted what Nicole and Max had, what Kate might have with Rafe.
    She wanted someone who loved her as much as she loved him.

Chapter 5
    It was after seven o’clock in the evening when Ashley arrived at the offices of Paradis and McNamara. Silence echoed in the empty suite as she made her way down the hall to Reed’s office.
    It occurred to her over this past week that maybe, just maybe, Reed had been avoiding her, burying himself in work, as a way of dealing with the pain and anguish of losing the baby, and the uncertainty of what the future held for them.
    If she could reassure him she suffered too, held the same anxieties, they could get through this together.
    They’d been happy before she miscarried. Maybe they could start over and build a future together? He didn’t love her and she didn’t love him, yet. But they cared for one another. Perhaps the caring could turn to love? They owed it to themselves to try.
    She found him sitting at his desk, head bent over, studying a file that lay open. “Knock, knock.”
    Reed glanced up. Something flashed in his eyes, but it was gone before she could figure out what.
    “What are you doing here?” he asked.
    She held up a bag. “Dinner. I figured you probably haven’t eaten.” He liked her cooking. No, like was too soft a word. Reed loved her cooking, raved about it. Next to her lasagna, his favorite was her braised lamb shanks, and she’d taken care to make sure they turned out perfect today.
    He dragged a hand through his already mussed-up hair. “Um, thanks. You’re right. I haven’t.”
    She walked with purpose to one of the chairs in front of his desk and took a seat. “I brought enough for both of us.” She set three containers on his desk. The first held orzo with sautéed tricolor bell peppers and red onion, the second roasted asparagus, and a third contained the shanks. She extracted paper plates, utensils, and homemade baklava from the bag.
    Reed’s eyes rounded. “Wow. This looks great.”
    Ashley smiled, pleased with his reaction.
    He scooped a serving from each container and placed it on his plate, then took a bite of the lamb and sighed. “Delicious. You’ve outdone yourself. You must be feeling better.”
    “Yes. I saw the doctor this morning and she indicated I could go back to work on Monday.”
    He nodded. “That’s good.”
    Ashley reached out and placed her hand over his. “How about you? How are you doing?”
    He turned away. “I’m fine.”
    “Talk to me, Reed.”
    His head jerked back to her. Hard, distant eyes glared down at her. “I said I’m fine.”
    Ashley drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
    Reed sighed. “Thanks for bringing me dinner but I really have to get back to work.”
    No. She wouldn’t let him dismiss her that easily. Not again. “I was hoping we could talk. It’s important.”
    He shook his head. “It will have to wait. I’m knee deep in a crisis here. My biggest client has just declared bankruptcy and—”
    Her heart hammered and the blood roared in her ears, drowning out the rest of what he said. Work . Again. Obviously, it was more important than
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