A Lion After My Own Heart

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Book: A Lion After My Own Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Cassie Wright
anything... salacious."
    "Salacious?" He leans forward. The air between us is crackling. I've never felt this kind of chemistry with a man so quickly. It's as if the candle at the center of the table is burning up all the oxygen. I feel lightheaded. God knows what the wine is going to do to me. "I'm a mayoral candidate, Ms. Cole. I'm a clean, sober, principled man. I'm afraid you'll find me very boring."
    "Hardly," I say before I can stop myself. The waiter steps up, preventing me from just telling him outright how hot he is. The bottle is presented, then the cork, then the wine is poured into the glass. The few men I've been on dates with - is this a date? - usually make wry faces, as if they're amused by this old tradition, but Alexander handles himself with dignity as he inhales the bouquet and then nods appreciatively to the waiter. A dark red wine is poured into my voluminous glass, and the bottle set to one side. I pick up the glass and inhale. Ah, divine. Raspberries, old leather, a hint of dark chocolate. I glance at the bottle. A pinot noir.
    Alexander is watching me as I sip the wine. I suddenly feel like I'm being judged. The wine slips over my tongue, and I can't help it, I let out a small, appreciative moan. Alexander's eyes narrow a fraction, and a predatory glint enters his eyes. Did my moan turn him on just a little? This wine is several grades above my usual quality. It's amazing. If I could afford this kind of wine, I'd have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    "That," I say, setting the glass down, "is special."
    Alexander takes a sip of his own wine, still watching me, then sets his glass down as well. "Agreed. Tell me about yourself, Ms. Cole. How long have you been with the Globe ?"
    I smile and lean forward. "Not so fast. You're the subject of the interview. I am completely and utterly unimportant."
    Alexander's smile matches my own. "I disagree. Why should I spill my darkest secrets to someone I don't know or trust?"
    "So you do have dark secrets?" My smile widens.
    "Oh, yes," he says, voice as soft as suede. "Like you wouldn't believe. But you're going to have to work hard to get them out of me."
    "I'm not afraid of hard work," I say, heart starting to race again. This conversation is pushing the very limits of being professional. "What do I have to do?"
    Alexander cants his head to one side. His smile becomes subtle and inscrutable. "Just how far are you willing to go for a good story?"
    "All the way," I say, and then realize the unintended double entendre and blush. "There's nothing I won't do to get at the truth."
    "I'm impressed. Such conviction. I believe you."
    The waiter places menus before us, and again I'm given reprieve from the intensity of his gaze. Never has a conversation felt so dangerous, as if what's really at stake has nothing to do with what we're actually discussing.
    I know I should behave and order a salad, but the maple mustard glazed salmon looks divine. Alexander orders slow roast boneless pork chops, and then it's just the two of us again with only a candle separating us.
    Alexander raises his glass to his lips. "How about this, to keep things fair. For every question I answer, you will answer one of my own."
    "Unorthodox, but sure." I sip my own wine. As I predicted, it's going right to my head. I feel alive, vivacious, and very much aroused.
    "Should you prove unwilling to answer any of my questions," says Alexander, setting the glass down, "then the interview is over."
    I quirk an eyebrow. "Are we going to keep this PG-13?"
    Alexander shrugs one broad shoulder. "We'll see."
    "Then I'll begin." Reckless, I ask the incredibly unprofessional question that's burning at the forefront of my mind. "Are you seeing anybody?"
    Alexander grins and raises an eyebrow. "And if I was?"
    "Whole nations would wail and plunge into the ocean." I try to sound as flippant as I can, but my stomach twists at the prospect. Is he? Erin said he was single. Was she wrong?
    "In that case, so as to
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