can discuss the details with you when you have the time.” Annie peered down at the suction cup clamped over Joe ’ s penis.
Oh man! Was this embarrassing or what?
“What setting have you got him on, Cath ?” Annie’ s voice was concerned.
He held his breath as Annie unstrapped the cup and stroked his penis. Damned if her soft touch wasn ’ t getting him all wound up again.
“A six. You said go easy on him.”
“Haven’ t your people been lubricating him? He ’ s as red as a lobster. He looks a little sore.”
Cath came over and examined his penis. Thank God, she didn ’ t touch him. He might have lost his head, found his damn voice and shouted at the bitch to keep her dirty hands off him.
“I’ m sure he ’ ll be more than a little sore when you get through with him.”
Joe didn ’ t miss the nudge Cath gave Annie and he sure as hell didn ’ t miss Annie ’ s little smile.
His stomach dropped again. Was Annie getting him out of here just so she could climb on top of him and start screwing him again?
“I was hoping you might release him a little earlier.”
“I can’ t do that. I ’ ve got the entire Cell Block C getting impregnated by his sperm tonight. Word ’ s gotten around that he ’ s big. Most prisoners are even volunteering to have his offspring. I ’ ve made more money off this slave in the last three days than the entire last three years.”
“I’ m happy for you, Cath . Truly I am.”
Cath seemed to smile at Annie ’ s soft spoken words.
“How about I buy you a refreshment, Annie? We can talk about the conditions the Queen set.”
Annie nodded. She threw Joe a quick glance.
He shuddered at the look of despair in Annie ’ s blue eyes. Exactly what were these conditions Cath was talking about? Whatever they were, Annie didn ’ t look as if she liked them.
She turned away from him and followed Cath out the door, leaving Joe feeling totally abandoned.
He sucked in a sharp breath as those seductive fingers inside the suction cup began to knead his balls again.
Chapter Five
Annie popped the freshly baked bread out of the hot oven and quietly closed the door. Peeking over her shoulder, she breathed a sigh of relief to find the naked Green Eyes still sleeping soundly on the bed where Cath ’ s women had dumped him an hour ago.
She’d been surprised that Cath and the workers had come so early with the unconscious Green Eyes. The sun wasn’t even up yet. Unfortunately the sly grin on Cath’s face made it obvious she was eager to please Annie, especially since Annie had agreed to all the conditions the Queen had asked for.
Annie frowned. She didn ’ t know why she was so nervous. He was a male. A slave. He was here to fuck her. To do to her whatever she wanted done. And yet he could communicate. Proved it by leaving the SOS on the bed frame. That fact frightened her and excited her at the same time.
Her gaze came to rest on his massive penis lying asleep on top of him. It was still red. Very tender. Obviously Cath hadn ’ t applied the salve Annie had suggested. The woman was mean to her slaves. She hadn’t always been that way. She’d been a nice enough person until last year’s Slave Uprising.
The Uprising had changed Cath . It had made her angry, distrustful of the males. Made her violent with the slaves and with everyone around her. Everyone hated Cath . Everyone but the Queen.
Despite Annie’s hatred for Cath , Annie had kept up the friendship over the past year. Cath had connections that Annie needed. She was the Queen’s main mate for one. And she was the governor of the Women’s Prison.
Those connections had almost been lost because of her stand against Cath over the slave. But last night she ’ d proven to Cath how loyal she was.
Annie clasped her arms over her breasts as a shudder of revulsion ripped through her. She ’ d done what Cath and the Queen had asked of her, because of Green Eyes. And because of Cath ’ s