A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook (A Song of Ice and Fire)

A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook (A Song of Ice and Fire) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: A Feast of Ice and Fire: The Official Game of Thrones Companion Cookbook (A Song of Ice and Fire) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
place it under the rack where your bread will go. (This is the trick to making a nice, crusty loaf of rustic bread. The steam from the water adds a nice crunch to the surface of the loaf.) Bake the loaves for around 30 minutes, until the crusts are a dark golden color and the loaves sound hollow when you tap them.

    Salad at Castle Black
    “From the Lord Commander’s own table,” Bowen Marsh told them. There were salads of spinach and chickpeas and turnip greens, and afterward bowls of iced blueberries and sweet cream
    Salat. Take persel, sawge, grene garlec, chibolles, letys, leek, spinoches, borage, myntes, prymos, violettes, porrettes, fenel, and toun cressis, rosemarye, purslarye; laue and waishe hem clene. Pike hem. Pluk hem small wiþ þyn honde, and myng hem wel with rawe oile; lay on vyneger and salt, and serue it forth
    Serves 6 to 8Prep: 10 minutes
    Pairs well with Rack of Lamb ,
Iced Blueberries in Sweet Cream , dark ale
    The original recipe for salad comes from the 14th-century
Forme of Cury
. We took a few of the suggested greens and added turnip greens, raisins, and roasted chickpeasintended for snacking. We urge you to experiment with other combinations of greens as available, and we especially recommend adding sorrel and borage.
    5 cups baby spinach
    3 cups turnip greens
    1 cup raisins
    1 cup roasted chickpeas
    Oil and vinegar to taste
    Pinch of salt
    In a large bowl, combine the greens, raisins, and chickpeas. Drizzle with oil and vinegar to taste, sprinkle with salt, and toss well.
    Cook’s Note: The ingredients in the medieval recipe are parsley, sage, green garlic, scallions, lettuce, leek, spinach, borage, mints, primroses, violets, “porrettes” (green onions, scallions, and young leeks), fennel, garden cress, rosemary, and purs-lane.

    Mutton in Onion-Ale Broth
    The Wall wept and the sun crept across a hard blue sky. Near evenfall, Owen the Oaf returned with a loaf of black bread and a pail of Hobb’s best mutton, cooked in a thick broth of ale and onions
    Oyle soppes. Take a good quantite of onyons, and myce hem, noyt to smale, & seth hem in faire water, And take hem vppe; and then take a good quantite of stale ale, as .iij. galons, And there-to take a pynte of goode oyle that is fraied, and cast the oynons there-to, And lete al boyle togidre a grete [while]; and caste there-to Saffron and salt, And þen put brede, in maner of brewes, and cast the licour there-on, and serue hit forth hote
    Serves 3 to 4Soaking wheat berries: 6 hours to overnight
Broth: 1 to 2 hoursPrep: 10 minutesCooking: 30 minutes
    Pairs well with Black Bread ,
Buttered Carrots , dark beer
    This is an ideal meal to make with lamb leftovers, such as one might have after Easter, as it utilizes meaty bones, stale bread, and flat beer. We have added in or changed only a few things in the original 15th-century recipe. The onions go in whole and come out surprisingly sweet, and the flavors in the black bread suit the mutton dish very well. Overall, this is a primitive, hearty soup that is perfect for the brothers of the Night’s Watch.
    About 1 pound lamb bones or bony stew meat
    8 pearl onions, skinned
    1 bottle dark beer, preferably flat
    Pinch of saffron (optional)
    ½ cup wheat berries, soaked until soft (at least 6 hours or overnight)
    Salt to taste
    ½ pound ground lamb, or reserved meat from bones
    1 tablespoon unsalted butter or oil
    Day-old bread slices, or toasted bread slices of your choice
    If you are using stew meat, remove the meat from the bones and set it aside. Place the bones in a large pot, cover with water, and simmer for 1 to 2 hours. Skim the surface of the broth occasionally to remove scum and excess fat.
    To the large pot of broth, add the onions, beer, saffron (if using), wheat berries, and salt. Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer and continue to cook for 15
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