A Family Affair: The Wish: Truth in Lies, Book 9

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Book: A Family Affair: The Wish: Truth in Lies, Book 9 Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mary Campisi
didn’t like the way this man’s look made her tingle in places she’d forgotten could tingle. It had been so long since she’d thought about a man as a man, his touch, his smile, his ability to make her feel alive again. So what if it wasn’t forever and ever? So what if it was only for now? Only for tonight? So what?
    Goodness gracious, what was wrong with her? Bree Kinkaid thinking about the physical part of a relationship without the relationship? Now that was a first. Well, people did it all the time, shared a night, an “encounter,” and then moved on. Maybe that’s exactly what she needed to feel alive again. Maybe it was time to bury the last memory of her dead husband with another man’s touch. Bree lifted her glass, gulped the rest of her wine. She could do this. Couldn’t she? She worked a smile in place, lowered her voice just so and gave him the look that had been making men follow her since she was a teenager. “I’m not divorced.” Her smile spread. “I’m not married either.”
    The dimples on either side of his mouth deepened as he reached for her wine glass, refilled it. “Let’s drink to not being married or divorced.”
    Gracious, the way the man was looking at her right now made her insides boil, and that look heated something else up, too. Oh, but she wished she’d paid closer attention to Natalie Servetti’s behavior, then maybe she could pull a trick or two from Natalie’s book of seduction. But there was a fine line between sexy and trashy, and Natalie had crossed the line to own both the sexy and trashy titles, even if she was trying to clean up her act. Besides, Brody had always said Bree was sexy enough for ten women, but that obviously was not true. Her lack of skill with various methods of attracting a man by sexual innuendoes, heated glances, and flippant comments left her with only one option.
    Drink more wine. She leaned against the back of the padded booth, closed her eyes. One more glass of wine would be perfect. And then she’d begin her seduction...
    “Bree? How about we get you back to your hotel?”
    Such a delicious voice. All male, so sexy, making her feel all soft and cozy like she wanted to wrap herself up in it. What a fool she was. How could a person wrap herself up in someone’s voice?
    “Bree, open your eyes. We’ve got to get you into your coat.”
    His breath tickled her ear. When had he moved next to her? Mmm, he smelled good enough to eat. What was that scent? Mint? Nutmeg? Whatever it was, she wanted it. Oh, yes she did. She wanted it and she wanted him . Goodness! Her eyes popped open and she stared at Adam’s face. He was even more handsome close up, and his eyes were gray, not just plain gray, but rich, deep, with flecks of gold. They were the kind of eyes that could make a woman forget she was a lady…
    “Come on, nice and easy.” Adam helped her into her coat, tied the belt, and tucked her arm in his. “We’ll catch a taxi, okay? Just hold onto me and I’ll get you back to the hotel.”
    Holding on proved more difficult than she thought. Her feet did not want to cooperate and once she started moving, so did the rest of the room. “I’m dizzy,” she blurted out.
    “Baby steps,” he said, smiling down at her. “No rush. Put your arm around my waist and lean on me.” When she did, he eased an arm around her shoulder and pulled her against his side. “This should help.”
    Bree smiled up at him, her insides warm and fluttery. “Thank you.”
    The ride to the hotel took fifteen minutes with the first five spent trying to remember the location. Fortunately, Adam was familiar with the area and he was brilliant at deduction. Was he an engineer? Accountant? Mathematician? Boring, boring, and boring . Adam was anything but boring. Lawyer? Goodness, no. Lawyers were conniving double-talkers. Hadn’t her family known a few back in the day who tried to steal the company from Daddy? Adam was not conniving or a double-talker. She snuggled
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