A Dangerous Madness

A Dangerous Madness Read Online Free PDF

Book: A Dangerous Madness Read Online Free PDF
Author: Michelle Diener
Tags: Fiction, Regency, Historical Romance
every one of Perceval’s close friends. They want to understand why Bellingham murdered him. They’re going to be furious when they learn Gibbs is hearing his case on Friday.”
    James blinked. “Friday? How has anyone had time to gather evidence? Perceval hasn’t been dead twenty-four hours yet.”
    “The wheels of Justice can turn quickly when they want to, especially when justice is not what they are trying to achieve.” Durnham’s voice was dry.
    “They want Bellingham tried and hanged as fast as possible, to make an example of him and get him out of the public eye?” Aldridge leaned forward in dismay. “But if he’s part of a conspiracy, we could lose the chance to find out who’s behind it.”
    “Vinegar Gibbs doesn’t want any hint of a conspiracy to come out, you can be sure of that.” James thought of the Attorney General. Sir Vicary Gibbs hadn’t come by the nickname Vinegar Gibbs for his sweet nature. “If Bellingham has made a statement that he was acting alone, you can bet Gibbs will do everything he can to keep him from changing that tune, and have him hanged before anyone thinks to dig deeper.”
    “ I want to know if there is a conspiracy, though.” Dervish spoke quietly, and James wondered, not for the first time, the extent of the power Dervish wielded within Whitehall. He wouldn’t be surprised to find it was considerable.
    “Even if we can’t prove it definitively?” Aldridge asked.
    Dervish sighed. “I’d rather know the players than not. Even if I can’t move against them.” He and Durnham exchanged a look, and James wondered what other investigation had yielded that outcome.
    Perhaps one day he would be established enough in this small group to ask.
    “Can you arrange for me to speak to Bellingham, then?” The question was a courtesy only. James could get into Newgate on the strength of his title alone and Dervish knew it.
    Dervish gave a nod. “I’ll organize it for later this afternoon. I’ve had mixed accounts of the suspect. Some are sure he is mad, but many others have found him to be perfectly sane. I’d like your opinion.”
    “If it’s a conspiracy, then he’s sane enough.” Aldridge spoke quietly.
    “Bellingham says he killed Perceval to obtain justice for himself, as the government had turned down all his requests for compensation for something that happened to him in Russia seven years ago. He’s spoken to his Member of Parliament, all the relevant departments, there’s even a petition for compensation he submitted to the Prince Regent himself.”
    “Killing the head of state because you didn’t get compensation is hardly the act of a sane man.” James raised his brows.
    “Perhaps,” said Durnham, “Gibbs merely hopes he’s sane, so that he can, in fact, be hanged.”
    Because a hanged man couldn’t talk, and certainly couldn’t stir up the crowds.

Chapter Six

    T his was most likely a mistake.
    Phoebe stood on the busy pavement covered by her oldest cloak and looked up at the high walls of Newgate Prison. The blank, windowless stone rose up, frightening in its grim indifference.
    Around her, people went about their business, although she caught a tension in the faces of the people passing her by. A small crowd had gathered to one side, the men dressed like laborers, and Phoebe was willing to guess they were there to support John Bellingham.
    They were being watched by guards standing in front of the prison, but neither group approached the other.
    Now that she was here, she realized getting in to see the man accused of killing the prime minister would be impossible. She’d seen two men turned away already as she’d hesitated, gripped by indecision and nerves. And she had slipped out without her aunt, without a chaperone.
    They would not let her in.
    In a stroke of luck—because it certainly hadn’t been planning—the sharp wind blowing down the street made the raised hood of her cloak all too natural, but she had no explanation for her
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