A Curvy Christmas

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Book: A Curvy Christmas Read Online Free PDF
Author: Harmony Raines
Tags: General Fiction
was going to come in and have coffee, and they could talk. Simple. Nothing complicated going on here.
    However, as she put her key in the door, she wished for complications. Nice intense complications.
    “Right, I’ll get the kettle on,” she said going in and switching on the lights.
    “No Max?” Greg asked coming in behind her. “Is she out with that fiancé of hers?”
    “They’ve gone to her parents. I expect big drama to unfold. Dan’s mom and dad have gone too.”
    “You’re all alone then?” he asked, appearing at the kitchen door.
    “Yes. I upset Max’s father some years ago. I’m good at that,” she added. “So I didn’t get an invite.”
    “Christmas alone? Or do you have other plans?”
    “No plans. Well, except those that include too much food and too much TV.” She switched the kettle on and stood with her back to the counter, arms folded across her chest. Standing here in her apartment, he looked more handsome than ever. Nothing like the boy he had been.
    “And you? Will your family let you take Carl along too? Because if not, please don’t tell him I’m alone. I don’t think I could stand a whole day of him making advances.”
    “I won’t tell. Scout’s honour.”
    “Were you ever in the scouts?”
    “No. My parents never wanted me to be adventurous.”
    “But when we met first, that was an adventure for you and Carl. Hawaii, wasn’t it?”
    “Yes.” And then he asked, “Is it really that vague for you?”
    Robin didn’t want to talk about it, or even think about it. “It was a difficult time. I did some things I will always regret. But I smoked so many bad things I’m lucky, I can’t remember half of them.”
    The kettle finished boiling, and she turned away from him, grateful to have something to do. Her past was something she chose to leave behind her, not even Max knew everything about those dark days. Knowing that Greg would always be a constant reminder should make her see sense and distance herself from him.
    “Sugar?” she asked.
    “No, thank you. Just milk, although I like it strong.”
    She stirred the coffee absently, her thoughts drifting back to the night she had slept with Carl. Vaguely a picture of Greg’s face came to her, his anguish, and jealousy. For a moment she let it cover her, the spoon continuing to follow it’s mesmerising path around the inside of the coffee mug.
    “Robin?” he asked softly, coming to stand behind her.
    “I’m sorry,” she said, turning to face him. “I never meant to hurt you.”
    He smiled crookedly. “I know that now. But back then ... it stuck with me.”
    “For how long?”
    “Seven years, and ... I don’t know ... three months. I could probably tell you how many days too...”
    “All these past weeks we’ve being seeing each other. Why didn’t you say?”
    “Oh, I don’t know. It changed between hurt that you never remembered me, to relief that you never remembered me.” He smiled ironically.
    “That is mixed up.”
    He shrugged. “That’s what you do to me. I’ve dated other women, been in love. At least I think so. But always you were there. What might have been. If only I was Carl.”
    “I was bad for you then, and I think I’m bad for you now. You were probably right to be relieved I didn’t remember you. I’m sorry I walked back into your life today.”
    “I’m not, Robin.” He stroked her cheek, and she leaned into him, yearning for his touch. “I need to see where this is going, or else I’m going to wonder about it for the rest of my life. Let’s forget the past, and think of the present. Right here, right now.”
    “Will you forgive me?”
    “There’s nothing to forgive, the boy I was wasn’t right for you. But the man I am just might be.”
    She moistened her lips, her anticipation at fever pitch. This was it, their first kiss, and she wanted it to be perfect.
    He leaned forward, kissing her neck lightly, testing her, still unsure about this moment, although he had waited so
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