600 Miles: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure

600 Miles: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure Read Online Free PDF

Book: 600 Miles: A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure Read Online Free PDF
Author: G.P. Grewal
grateful, knowing I weren't going to be like them other men. God knows what kinds of uncons— un- con -sci-on-able  things those men who had bought her from her husband made her do, and God knows I didn't want to ask. Me, I were just happy not to be walking alone no more, and Gitty was even good at skinning rabbits and snakes and cooking them up for us, and I was good at making sure she didn't come to no harm.
    Still, to be honest my eyes couldn't help but wander, because the longer we stayed together the gooder she looked, especially them strong legs and ample rear end. And them other parts, well, they was nice to look at too. I'd watch as she'd stoop to fetch water or tend to the fire or rub her tired feet, hitching her skirt up so high that there weren't much left to the imagination, even once as she bent over catching a glimpse of something too private to put into words.
    I weren't too sure where the two of us was going anymore, though wherever we went it seemed like a good thing. Weren't like walking it alone, so lonely and cold and such. I mean cold like just no one around to keep me company, even at nights when it were still pretty warm. If there was one thing I knew, it was that being alone for too long had a way of eating away at a man, turning him mean and crazy so that after some time he just weren't fit for the company of other people no more.
    Gitty asked me if we was still going to Lost Angeles like I first told her I were. "I ain't so sure," I said. "Seemed like a good idea, but I don't know. It's a dangerous place, no doubt. Maybe we could stay on a while here in Arizona. The weather's been real kind to us lately and there ain't no shortage of rabbits to shoot and plenty of water from the creek too."
    "Maybe then. Whatever you think, Elgin."
    It was good to hear a woman say my name again, even if we hadn't yet become better acquainted and such. Maybe that wouldn't be too long away though, because it seemed to me that apart from teasing me by hitching up her skirt while doing her chores, each night she was getting a bit closer, and I was starting to feel that it weren't by chance. Then one night I woke to find her pressed up right beside me, and though it were a bit chilly, it weren't so cold to make it something she had to do to keep warm. A man could only take so much of it, though weren't nothing I was supposed to be holding back no longer so I pressed up against her too, my you know what poking into her backside. She moved a little when I did that and her breathing stopped. Then she looked over at me and suddenly we kissed, knowing each other the way nature intended that warm summer night under the stars.
    When we woke, there was a moment in which we was too shy to say much of anything, and then she smiled and I smiled too, nature once again telling us what needed to be done. Weren't no being shy after that to be sure, because one time and things was still a little embarrassing, but ain't no man and no woman ever done it a few without things being different from then on.
    After that, Gitty seemed happier than I'd ever seen her, real content, like everything was just what she'd been hoping for, and as she sat near the creek bathing herself I came down beside her and she was smiling again as she looked up.
    "I'm going to go have a look about," I told her. "Ain't no point in you coming along and wearing yourself out. Here, take this rifle and keep it close."
    "Really? You don't want me to come hunting with you, Elgin?"
    "Nah, you just keep an eye out here. Won't take me too long with all these jackrabbits hopping around. I'll get us a nice big one and you can skin it for us and cook it up."
    I laid the rifle down near the water, Gitty looking to it like she were a little scared, or maybe just surprised.
    "Now you just keep them feet nice and cool and I'll be back in no time at all."
    I kissed her and left. And so it were that I weren't alone anymore. Them years had been so long and the going so hard that I
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