5 - Together To Join
    “That better not sound like I think it sounds.”
    “The physical form is permanent once a vampire is turned. And…while I don’t mind your scars - in fact, I think I’ll grow rather fond of them - it’s a pure shame to add unnecessary ones.”
    “I’m going to sue the makers of pantyhose. I swear it!”
    He was back to thrashing against his bonds. She watched for a count of ten and then approached. The moment she put her hand on the center of his chest he stopped, his body suspended for an instant above the bed, before he fell. Just like that. She watched her hand rise and fall with each of his labored breaths while he came to terms with it. Her touch equaled instant gratification for him. Just her touch. And it could be forever. She bent down and hovered above his ear to whisper her next words.
    “The transmitter was in the little diamond stud you had in your left earlobe. It’s now on the way to Penang Pang. In a special container. Hermetically sealed. I suppose hunters have the technology to track it. Just think of their disappointment.”
    “You think you have all the answers, don’t you?”
    “You hungry yet?”
    “Depends on what you’re offering.”
    “I’d rather starve.”
    “But I can’t let that happen! I like your size exactly like it is…right here. Right now. Brawny. Immense. Fit. Supremely…beautiful. You are, you know. Beautiful.”
    His muscles leaped in reaction, but her hand atop his upper belly quelled it almost instantaneously. She watched him go from taut sinew to eased physique, and heard the bed frame creak from the dead-weight. He licked his lips and started talking to the air above him.
    “Steak and eggs. Scrambled. Cottage-fried potatoes. Grill-fried salmon. A rasher of bacon. Hell, I’ll even eat rice pilaf. Anything but mush.”
    “All right. I only made porridge because I can spoon feed it to you.”
    His curses filled the room for a bit while she watched and waited. He should probably be warned that getting angry only flushed his skin, and that made her longing grow deeper, and that just made it harder to control the urge to make him one with her fully. She hadn’t lied earlier. The only thing holding her back from turning him completely was fear of how uncontrollable he’d be.
    His spate of words ran out, although the heavy breaths he was taking probably warranted another round of them. Angelique slid her hand along the ridges of muscle lining his abdomen. Slowly. Mesmerizingly. Giving him time to absorb the sensation of her touch. She knew it worked as the bulge in his briefs responded, stirring and then enlarging, pulling at the cotton and spandex threads about it.
    “You finished?”
    “Where’s the water closet?”
    “The what?”
    “You like things messy?”
    “Not especially.”
    “Then, you might want to allow me up so I can use your facilities.”
    “Oh. That. Don’t fret. I have a bed pan. Right here.”
    She shouldn’t have moved her hand from him in order to fetch it. He howled in anger.
    “Don’t tell me you hovered around sickbeds, too. You were waiting for people to die. Or…maybe assisting them at it.”
    “Why would I do that? Sick people have nothing I want.”
    “They’ve got blood. And you don’t like to kill, remember?”
    “I never said I didn’t kill. I said it wasn’t always necessary. And I don’t hover around sick beds. I don’t take tainted blood. Do you need this or not?”
    “I’ll bust my gut first.”
    “Garrick, see reason. Please?”
    “Will you cut me loose?”
    “I want to.”
    He turned his head and caught her gaze. His eyes were back to the riveting blue shade. She knew he had Nordic heritage, and right now every bit of it was on display. He didn’t just look like a fallen Viking. He resembled the mythical god, Baldur. She trembled and watched him note it. She had to clear her throat to make words.
    “Will you give me your word…not to try and escape?”
    The answer
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