usual, Mrs P. had triumphed.
I had decided to go to bed early. We were to start for the airport at the civilized hour of 9 a.m., but I felt it wise to have a good night.
At half-past eight, as the sunset turned everything to gold, someone rapped at the front door.
On opening it, I saw to my dismay, that it was Henry Mawne, and he was looking singularly unhappy.
'Do come in, Henry,' I said. I should like to have added: 'But don't stay long,' but common civility restrained me.
He settled down in an armchair as though intending to stay for hours, and accepted whisky and water with a wan smile.
'Anything wrong, Henry?' I enquired. I hoped my tone was sympathetic. I was really trying to hurry the visit along so that I could get to bed early.
' Everything !' sighed Henry.
This did not bode well for my early-bed plans, but I made suitably dismayed noises.
'It's Deidre, she's pushed off.'
So the rumours had been right, I thought. In a village they usually are, but what could be done?
'She's bound to come back,' I said.
'I don't want her back,' replied Henry petulantly. He sounded like a four-year-old rejecting rice pudding.
'What went wrong?' It was best to get on with the story, I felt.
'Everything ,' said Henry again. 'I should never have married her.'
He cast me a look so maudlin that I felt some alarm. For pity's sake, I thought, let me be spared another man needing my attention! I have neither the looks nor the temperament to set up as a femme fatale , so it did seem rather tough to have silly old Henry making sheep's eyes, especially when I needed a little peace.
'She's a very selfish woman,' said Henry. 'She never thinks about my side of things. Take breakfast, for instance.'
Should I be up in time to get mine, I wondered?
'I like a cooked one, bacon, eggs, sausage, you know what I mean. Deidre has a couple of slices of that straw bread with marmalade. I don't mind her having it, but why shouldn't I have what I want?'
'Do you cook it?'
He looked flabbergasted.
'Of course not. Old Mrs Collins always cooked it when I lived alone, before she started the housework. And that's another thing. She cut down Mrs Collins' hours, so she comes from ten until twelve.'
"Well, I expect she can manage with less help,' I said diplomatically. 'Your house always looks immaculate.'
'And she spends money like water,' continued Henry, swirling the contents of his glass moodily. 'Ordered a revolving summer house the other day. I put a stop to that, I can tell you. That's what really brought things to a head.'
'I'm sorry about this, Henry,' I said briskly, 'but there's really nothing that I can do. You and Deidre must sort it out. You've both got plenty of sense.'
'I wondered if you could speak to her for me? I've got her phone number.'
What a nerve, I thought!
'Henry, I shouldn't dream of coming between husband and wife. In any case, I'm going away tomorrow.'
'Oh dear, that's most upsetting. I was relying on you.'
I began to get really cross. The selfishness of the man!
'I'm off to Florence, first thing.'
'How lovely! And such a short flight!'
He settled back in his chair, and held up his empty glass questioningly.
I took it and put it firmly on the table. Henry looked surprised.
'I'm certainly looking forward to the break,' I told him, 'but I've some packing to do now, and I'm going to turn you out.'
He rose reluctantly.
'I'm sorry if I've held you up.' He sounded huffy. 'You see, you are always the first person I think of when I'm in trouble. You mean so much to me.'
'Thank you, Henry, but this time things are different. You must get in touch with Deidre as soon as possible, and get her back. I'm sure you will be able to put things right between you.'
I opened the front door, and Henry paused. For one moment, I feared he was about to kiss me, but he thought better of it.
'Well, I hope you enjoy Florence,' he said wistfully. 'I wish I were coming with you.'
He set off down the path, his back registering the