opportunity to send a hail of bullets towards him. He was luckier and his bullets struck the tail. Again the German twisted and turned to evade Nat. He flew directly into my sights and I fired another burst at him. I was luckier this time and he began to tumble to the ground.
The German formation had broken up and I was seeking my next target when I felt the judder of bullets as they struck my fuselage. Looking in my mirror I saw that Lieutenant Hazell had been hit and was peeling off west. I began to pull a loop. I heard the bullets as they struck the body of my aeroplane and my wings. I saw that it was an Albatros. I breathed a sigh of relief. I could out run and out climb the Albatros. I threw the Camel on to one wing and then began a loop to bring me around inside the Albatros. I do not think I could have managed it against a triplane but the D V was not as agile. I felt a slight shudder as the engine missed. I frowned. That had been the problem Freddie had had the other day. The revs picked up again and I found myself on the tail of my pursuer. I gave him a long burst and saw his tail shredding as my bullets tore holes in the skin. I kept after him, firing as I did so. The Albatros was a tough little fighter but I watched his hand come up as he surrendered. I followed him down as he landed behind the French lines and I turned north and west. I had just enough fuel to get home.
I kept at a lower altitude to save fuel and I felt the engine as it began to judder and shudder more and more. My engine was definitely poorly. That worried me. My mechanic was extremely conscientious. Was it a fault with the engines? I looked into the skies and saw the rest of the squadron as they headed home. I saw the field approaching and wondered if I would actually get down in one piece. The engine sounded as though it was being struck by a hammer. It was too late to fire the Very Pistol and I bumped over the hedge at the end of the field and, as the wheels touched the ground, the engine stopped. I had to use the ailerons and rudder to keep me from slewing around. The grass was not the smoothest runway in the world.
I saw Senior Flight Sergeant Lowery racing towards me with his mechanics. As the Camel lurched to a halt I closed my eyes and sat back in the cockpit. That had been close.
“Are you hit sir?”
“No, Flight. I had some damage but the engine started playing up. It might be the same trouble that Mr Carrick had the other day.”
“The irregular running?”
“Two of the Bristols reported that too. I hope there isn’t a fault with these new engines.”
“I thought they had totally different engines.” Flight Sergeant Lowery nodded. “Well it needs sorting.” I climbed out. “Any damage to the buses?”
“Three of the aeroplanes in your flight are pretty badly shot up sir. Mr Carrick’s flight looks to be safe and sound but we lost one of the new pilots I think. At least he didn’t come back with the others.”
“Who is that?”
“Lieutenant Harvey sir. Still he may just be having engine trouble.” I saw him take his tunic off and roll up his sleeves. I had no doubt the he would get to the bottom of this problem.
I saw Freddie hurrying over to me. He waved to one of his chaps. “Sir, I need to speak with you.”
“Of course Freddie, what is it?”
“Your new chap, Jenkin, he pulled out of formation to chase a Fokker. That is why the Albatros were able to hit you and Hazell and the others.”
“The others?”
“Yes sir. When he pulled out Lieutenant Fall followed him. You can’t blame him. The orders are to follow the bus in front.”
“Thanks Freddie. I shall have a word with the two of them later on.” I had a sudden flash of memory. It was like déjà vu. I had had pilots do this before. They jeopardised the whole squadron with their self centred and selfish behaviour. First I reported to Randolph. Archie, Ted and Gordy were there and