10 Real Life Near-Death Experiences in the Press & Media: Global Evidence of the Near-Death

10 Real Life Near-Death Experiences in the Press & Media: Global Evidence of the Near-Death Read Online Free PDF

Book: 10 Real Life Near-Death Experiences in the Press & Media: Global Evidence of the Near-Death Read Online Free PDF
Author: Richard Bullivant
her records sent to him from the surgery.  He was staggered by what he found.
    According to these records there were a total of twenty doctors in the operating room.  The bone saw did in fact resemble an electric toothbrush rather than a saw like instrument (photographs were obtained) and there had indeed been a conversation about the veins in her leg.  How could she have been aware of all of this, when her eyes had been taped shut and her ears plugged with speakers emitting noises? 
    Some might say that part of the explanation might be that Pam may have experienced ‘anaesthesia awareness’ at times during the procedure whereby a person is conscious but cannot move.  Others would argue that the anaesthesia and the non-responsive brain caused by the hypothermia would mean that Pam could not form or retain memories for a major part of the operation.  Indeed, these believers would say that Pam Reynolds is proof positive that the mind can operate when the brain is stilled.
    Like so many others who have had a near-death experience, Pam has said that her NDE had a profound effect on her life.  She said that she became a less judgmental and more idealistic person.
    Pam Reynolds unfortunately died on 22 May 2010 of heart failure in Atlanta at Emory University Hospital.  She left behind a husband, four daughters, a son, her mother and sister, two brothers and six grandchildren. 

    ‘Do for this life as if you live forever, do for the afterlife as if you die tomorrow.’
- Ali ibn Abi Talib
    This is the incredible story of Amanda Cable who, during emergency surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, had a near-death experience wherein she believes that her five year old daughter returned her to life.  Such was the interest about this case at the time that in November 2012 The Daily Mail ran an article about it.
    Amanda is a mother of three and at the time of this pregnancy she had twin boys of two years old, namely Archie and Charlie, and a daughter of five years old called Ruby.  Together with her photographer husband Ray, they were all living in Blackheath, South East London. 
    But on Thursday 5 September 2003 this happy and content family unit was unexpectedly put in jeopardy when Amanda was rushed to hospital and ended up fighting for her life in the operating theatre. 
    It was a few days earlier on Sunday 1 st September, as Ruby was due to start at her local prep school the following Thursday, that the school put on a welcome picnic for her class and she and the rest of her family attended.  They all had a lovely time with Ruby playing ‘chase’ with her new classmates.  Life felt so sweet.
    Although at the time Amanda didn’t dwell too much on it, and it was only after learning that she had conceived an ectopic pregnancy that she began to think about it, she had a dream that night concerning the picnic that afternoon.  In the dream was a fourth child, another little boy.  Amanda was playing ‘chase’ with this child but as he turned and laughed his face seemed to be a mixture of Ruby, Archie & Charlie – it looked like he could have been their brother!  She woke up that morning drenched in sweat.
    By late morning Amanda had begun to experience a nagging pain in her side and because she initially thought it was a stomach bug, something the rest of her family had suffered from, she didn’t think too much of it.  However, as the next couple of days went by the pain got more and more pronounced until Amanda was in so much discomfort that she called her GP out for a home visit.  He was so concerned that he called an ambulance and Amanda was taken to the local hospital where her husband hurriedly joined her.
    After some tests confirmed that Amanda was in the early stages of an unviable pregnancy the doctors decided that she should spend the night at the hospital to await surgery the next day.  ‘Ectopic’ means out of
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