09 Lion Adventure

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Book: 09 Lion Adventure Read Online Free PDF
Author: Willard Price
the grass. Hunters had told Hal that it sometimes takes a dozen shots to kill a lion. He began to believe it.
    The hunters collapsed on their cots. Hal reached to the shelf above him and got the sulphonamide powder. He rose wearily and rubbed the powder deep into his brother’s cuts. Roger did the same for him, and in doing so he stumbled over an object on the ground. He turned the light on it. It was the cub.
    The little beast, too young to know a friend from an enemy, had left its dead protector to follow the living. It miaowed in quite cat-like fashion when Roger’s foot touched it. Roger took it up in his arms.
    ‘Poor little brat,’ he said. ‘Sorry we had to bop off your mama.’
    ‘Don’t start getting sentimental over that thing,’ Hal warned. ‘We may have to knock him off.’
    ‘You wouldn’t do that.’
    ‘Oh yes I would - if he’s had enough lessons so he’s on his way to becoming a man-eater.’
    ‘Can’t we test him? You have a nice bloody hand -put it under his nose and see what he does about it.’
    The cub stretched his head forward, sniffed at the hand and seemed about to lick the blood. Then he turned his head away and miaowed again.
    ‘You see?’ Roger said triumphantly. ‘He’s no man-eater. He’d rather have milk.’
    ‘He’s not starving,’ Hal said. ‘His mother probably gave him a drink a little while ago. Tie him up and leave him here for a spell. We have a job to do.’

Chapter 6
Basa, son of Basa
    They came out into the first light of dawn.
    Most of the men had retired to their tents. A few still stood around, pangas in hand, discussing the exciting events of the night and warily watching for another man-eater.
    ‘Do any of you know,’ Hal said, ‘where the man came from - the man who was killed?’
    ‘Yes,’ said one. ‘From Gula.’
    ‘Is it far?’
    ‘No. Only ten minutes.’
    ‘Then why hasn’t anyone gone to tell his family?’
    The men stared at Hal as if he had said something ridiculous. Then they laughed. The roar of a lion came from the woods. ‘That’s why,’ someone said.
    Hal had to admit it was a good reason. Who could be expected to go walking down a forest trail at the risk of meeting a man-eater around any turn?
    He spoke to the man who knew the way to Gula. ‘We have guns - we will go with you.’
    The man reluctantly agreed. They set out for the village of Gula. It was still dark in the woods and Hal played his torch on the path.
    Occasionally they heard the voice of a lion - but it was an after-dinner roar - not the before-dinner grunt of a hungry lion.
    ‘Sounds as if they’ve already eaten,’ Hal said. ‘We’re safe enough.’
    Roger hoped so, but he kept a nervous look-out. It was a relief when the path left the woods and climbed a low hill to a dozen mud-and-thatch huts.
    A woman was out gathering firewood. Hal’s guide asked her, ‘Where is the home of Basa?’
    ‘Over yonder. Why! Is there bad news?’
    ‘Basa has been killed by a lion.’
    The woman dropped her wood, ran screaming to the hut of Basa and beat on the door.
    The door opened to reveal a tall, powerful-looking young African of about Hal’s own age. In a corner a woman bent over a fire burning on the earthen floor. Two small children stopped their play and stared at the strangers.
    You could tell when a young man had been to school. This one had. Hal addressed him in English.
    ‘You are the son of Basa?’
    ‘I am.’
    ‘We have very sad news for you. Your father has been attacked by a lion.’
    ‘You mean - he is dead?’
    ‘He is dead. You will come?’
    The son of Basa turned and spoke to his mother in the tribal language. She slowly rose to her feet and stood looking at him as if paralysed. She said nothing.
    The men left the hut. They were halfway down the hill before they heard the wailing cry of the widow of Basa. It was not a pleasant sound and they hurried on.
    As they went, Hal introduced himself and his brother. He got no friendly response from
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