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Author: Last Term at Malory Towers
be - but she had made mistakes, been unkind sometimes, lost her semper more times than she liked to remember - and had ruefully come to the conclusion that although she wasn't a failure, she wasn't a howling success either.
    But Miss Grayling seemed to think she was, so she must be. Darrell held her head high, and went swinging along to the sixth-form classroom. She opened the door and went in quietly.
    'I'm sorry I'm late, Miss Oakes,' she said. 'I took the new girls to Miss Grayling.'
    V 1
    'Yes, Mary-Lou told me,' said Miss Oakes. 'We were just talking about the work this term, Darrell. Those of \ou who are taking Higher Certificate are to work in one group, taking only a few odd lessons with the rest of the form. You have been working hard for the last two terms, so you should not find this term unduly hard - but you will have to keep at it!' Darrell nodded. She badly wanted to pass the Higher well. She felt sure Sally would. As for Alicia and Betty, their quick brains and excellent memories would make success certain. She glanced round at the other girls from the other- Towers, who would also be taking Higher. Yes - they w on Id probably all pass. They were a keen, hard- w i)i king lot.
    'I'm glad I'm no! taking Higher,' said Gwen. 'Anyway,
    sr. .
    I suppose I could always lake it at my school in Switzerland, couldn't I, Miss Oakes?'
    Miss Oakes was not interested in Gwen's future school, any more than she was interested in Gwen.
    'You are not up to Higher standard, whatever school you happen to be in,' she said coldly, i can only hope that you will work a little better this term than you have worked for the last two terms, Gwendoline. Would it be loo difficult to leave me with a little better impression of your capabilities than I have at present?'
    Gwen squirmed. She looked round at Maureen for sympathy. She got none, for Maureen always delighted in seeing Gwen made uncomfortable. The others looked studiously into the distance, determined not to catch Gwen's eye or give her any chance ol speaking about her future school. They felt certain they were going to get very very tired ol hearing about it.
    'Amanda, 1 understand that you were going to work lor Higher, if your old school had not been destroyed,' said Miss Oakes, turning to the hefty, solid new girl. 'Do you wish to do so here? I hear that it has been left to you to decide, as you can take it next year if you want to?'
    i don't want to take it this term, thank you,' said Amanda. 'It would be muddling, having had the work with different teachers. I shouldn't do myself justice. I intend to work at my games instead. I hope to be chosen for the Olympic Games next year, anyway.'
    Only the North Tower girls had heard this bit of news so lar. The girls from other Towers gaped at Amanda's forthright assertion. Go in for the Olympic Games! She must either be mad, or else alarmingly good at games!
    'Ah yes,' said Miss Oakes, calmly. '1 forgot you came Irom Trenigan Towers. Well, Amanda, you will find that the games side is very good here, fortunately for you - and very well run.'
    Amanda looked disbelieving, but didn't say anything.
    Il was, however, quite apparent to everyone that she was busy turning up her rather big nose at the games she might expect at Malory Towers. Sally felt annoyed and half-amused. Moira felt angry. She glared at Amanda, making up her mind to take her down a few pegs as quickly as possible!
    And il she tries to interfere, I'll soon show that / don't stand any nonsense, even if Sally does! thought Moira, scowling so fiercely at her thoughts that Belinda's hand went instinctively into her desk for her sketch-book - the one the girls called her Scowl Book. It had a most wonderful collection of scowls - though the finest were undoubtedly Gwen's!
    How Gwen wished she could get hold of that horrible hook of Belinda's! But Belinda guarded it jealously and had such a fine hiding-place lor it when she took it out ■ :! her desk
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