04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy

04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy Read Online Free PDF

Book: 04 Shadow Blood - Witch Fairy Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bonnie Lamer
going to dissolve me with just a look.  Um, maybe she can really do that.  Crap again.  I hope these wings are Angel of Death proof. 
    “I have made my ruling and you may not enter the Shadow realm.”
    “Okaaaay, that’s not an option for me.  I have to go in there.”
    Good lord, is she two?  “Is there someone else I can talk to about it?”
    “Adriel,” a soft voice says behind me.  I turn around and find an angel who could be Adriel’s big sister.  She has the same silvery blonde hair, pink lips and blue eyes.  She’s wearing a dark blue, form fitting dress that looks like it was painted on.  There’s cold steel in her eyes, though, that makes me want to take a step or two backwards, regardless of how sweet she looks. 
    Adriel’s voice comes out a lot nicer than it did when she was talking to me.  “Rashnu,” she says as she bows her head.  I’m thinking this just might be her boss.  That’s great.  One more Angel to try to keep me from going.
    “Adriel, I felt you preparing to take a soul’s darkness.  A soul that has not been brought before me to be judged.  Nor is the soul even free from its body.  I would like an explanation for your actions.”
    Uh oh, someone’s in trouble and I don’t think it’s me.  I try to keep a smug grin in my mind and not on my face when I turn back to look at Adriel.  Oh my god, her eyes are black!  And I was scared of her before.  This time I do take a couple of steps backwards.  She looks kind of deranged with black eyes.
    “She is trying to enter the Shadow realm.  As Gatekeeper, I have denied her access; for none may enter except an Angel of Death.”
    Rashnu walks past me and circles Adriel, forcing her to turn herself to keep eye contact.  “You are correct; none are supposed to travel to the Shadow realm without judgment.  Which is why I am curious about two souls who are currently residing there.  These souls have living bodies and their souls are not tarnished, therefor they should not have been able to enter.  How, exactly, did they slip past the Gatekeeper?”
    Now, Adriel looks mad and embarrassed.  Being called out in front of me for not doing her job must be painful considering we didn’t quite hit it off during our little discussion. 
    “A new gateway was forced open.  The souls you speak of had already entered the realm when I arrived.  It then took all of my power to close the gateway before Shadows escaped.  I felt the need to keep the darkness contained outweighed the loss of two souls.”
    My mouth drops open.  If my eyes could turn black, they’d look like worm holes right now.  “You knew they were there and you didn’t try to help them? You left them there on purpose ?” 
    Adriel shifts those nasty eyes of hers back to me, but I’m not intimidated by them anymore.  I’m too mad.  “We must all work to preserve the greater good,” she says harshly.
    “Well, I have to tell you, I don’t care even the tiniest iota about the greater good at the moment.  I want my brother and my aunt back in their bodies instead of being tortured by pure evil in hell.  And since you didn’t do your job as the Gatekeeper, I should be able to go in to get them.”
    I wonder if it tarnishes your soul to punch the Angel of Death in the mouth.  I think I’m willing to risk it.  I have my hand in a tight fist and I’m seconds away from actually doing it when Rashnu says, “That is a reasonable solution to this mess, Adriel.”
    Now it’s her turn to have her jaw hit the ground.  “Rashnu, I beg your pardon, but this is far too dangerous.  Who knows what she could unleash into other realms.
    “We do not sacrifice innocent souls, Adriel.  Not only will you allow her entry, you will escort her.  The Shadow realm is impossible to navigate if you are not an Angel of Death.”
    “I will do no such
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