02 Dragon - Capturing Cara

02 Dragon - Capturing Cara Read Online Free PDF

Book: 02 Dragon - Capturing Cara Read Online Free PDF
Author: S. E. Smith
Tags: www.dpgroup.org
He wanted to tear the bastard apart limb by limb. He would kill all of the others who had dared to follow and harm his brother’s true mate. No sooner had the thought crossed his mind when a dark shape appeared and tackled the man with the gun.

    “ Kelan, do you have a fix on the others?” Trelon called out in dragon-speak.
    “ Yes.” Kelan replied . “The other transport is coming up fast and there is the one that is fighting the man who harmed Zoran. Perhaps we should let that one live if he wins.” Kelan responded.

    Neither one of the brothers wanted to express their concern about Zoran. They could only hope that his symbiosis was able to heal him. Valdire warriors were not easy to kill. While such a wound would hurt like hell when it happened, if their symbiosis was close by it was near impossible to kill them as the symbiosis would stabilize them immediately. Trelon made a mental note to give Zoran hell for not maintaining his dragon shape until the bastard had been neutralized. If he had, then he wouldn’t be in this mess.

    Trelon and Kelan were just landing when Zoran stood up. Trelon grinned as much as his dragon form would allow. Oh, yeah , he thought to himself, Zoran’s pissed. He had no sooner landed when his older brother let out a stream of dragon fire. Trelon didn’t feel a thing as he watched the human male who had dared to harm his brother’s true mate slowly turn to ash at his feet. It was only when he heard the sound of a husky voice that his attention was caught and held on a tiny figure standing by the truck that had just pulled up.

Chapter 5
    “Holy shit! And I thought the little gold guys were cute.” Cara said before glancing at the dark figure lying motionless on the ground. “Ariel …Carmen.”

    Ariel let out a cry ignoring everything but the still figure lying on the ground. Kneeling next to Carmen, she turned her over pulling the dark cap from her blonde hair. A large bruise graced the side of her left cheek and a trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her nose and mouth. Trisha moved cautiously towards Ariel while Cara moved towards Abby.

    Cara vaguely heard Ariel pleading for help from the creatures standing over Carmen’s prone figure; but, it was the creatures standing in front of her that held her real attention. Or, should she say, one creature in particular. Cara’s eyes were drawn to the dragon standing to the left of Carmen ignoring the other two. The dragon was slightly broader than the other two and had the most beautiful coloring she had ever seen. Black scales outlined in gold glimmered in the fading fire light of the burning trees. The creature almost seemed to glow in the darkness of the night. It took every ounce of self-discipline Cara had, which normally wasn’t very much, to focus on helping Abby and not running over to run her hands, and possibly her body, all over the creature. She wanted to be just like a cat and rub up against it to see if its scales looked as silky smooth up close.
    Get a grip, girl! Cara told herself as she forced her eyes, body, and mind back on Abby. Cat, my ass. That thing would probably eat me as a snack and still be hungry!

    Cara watched as the dragon that had just vaporized the bad guy looked down at Carmen and Ariel and growled out something to the other two dragons near him. It wasn't until he turned his attention on her and growled as she knelt down next to Abby that she swung the tire iron around and pointed it at him.

    “Back off, you overgrown lizard, or I’ll have you for dinner.” Cara said with a lot more bravo than she was feeling as she quickly worked on removing the handcuffs on Abby’s wrist. When Abby looked at her silently, Cara shrugged, “I’ve had to get out of more than one pair in my life. Unfortunately, never in a good situation, can you figure that?”

    Cara listened with a sigh of relief as Abby chuckled weakly while she told her an abrievated verison of the time one of the guys she
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