Zomblog Saga Box Set (Books 1-6)

Zomblog Saga Box Set (Books 1-6) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Zomblog Saga Box Set (Books 1-6) Read Online Free PDF
Author: TW Brown
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
neighborhood just past two in the afternoon! A herd—over a hundred—of those damned things were following in this pack that plowed along leaving a trail of ruin in their wake. Yards, fences, some mailboxes, just plain smashed. They wandered through like they didn’t notice any-thing. The only time they diverted from their course is when they came to a parked car.
    Once the main pack passed, I watched as stragglers co ntinued to filter by. I saw a couple stop all of a sudden, and I was terrified that they possessed some sort of sense that told them where I was. Instead, it turned out that a cat caught their eye. They went after it, but it outran the pair in a blur of fur. However, I watched somewhat fascinated as the couple continued on in that direction. Like they were in pursuit and oblivious to the idea that they can’t possibly catch the kitty. Also, some of the other stragglers turned and followed.
    My conclusions? They are very single-minded; also, they exhibit pack-type mentality. So if you attract one, expect some friends.
    Friday, January 25
    The power went out just after sunrise and hasn’t come back. I’ve committed to keeping a journal. Somebody needs to document what I am now convinced is the end of humanity.
    To that end, I have managed to stay quiet. It is clear from observation that sound will attract attention just as quick as making yourself visible.
    I was upstairs getting a look around to see how bad things are.  That is when I noticed a house surrounded on all sides by bunches of those things. Eventually, the surge of bodies trying to get at whomever or whatever was inside broke through a big front room window.
    (The screams proved it to be a whomever.)
    I have seen a few actual living people. Some alone. Some not. They raid a house. Sometimes they leave in minutes. Som etimes hours. One block over, out front from our place, I saw what looked like five or six guys disappear into a really nice place. They climbed up onto the second floor balcony that ran the length of the back of the house. (I’m pretty sure that place would have a perfect view of Mt. Hood from that vantage.) They haven’t emerged. That was six or seven hours ago now.
    I’ve moved everything upstairs. I don’t want to risk being seen moving around on the first floor. Unless something specific gains their attention, I’ve noticed those things don’t do a lot of looking up. Also, I am trying to figure out a route out of this place once I solve one other problem.
    Where the hell will I go?
    * * * * *
    I was napping when a series of gunshots from nearby woke me up. Apparently that group of guys attracted some unwanted attention. It also seems like they weren’t very smart.
    I’ve already made my mind up that if I am ever noticed and those things start moving for the house, I’m running for it. A handful becomes a horde in minutes. Once they get ten or so deep, there is no escape. Those guys decided they didn’t want to leave. I heard gunfire, but for the longest time I couldn’t see much. Just those things gathering in greater and greater numbers.
    Finally, one of the guys crawled out onto the balcony. Those things came pouring out of the windows, oblivious to the glass shattering and cutting into their flesh. He did manage to re-load one magazine into the handgun he was using. Then, three of them got to him. I saw them topple into the writhing mass in the backyard reaching up, clawing at air. Then I heard a horrible scream. Then…
    Sunday, January 27
    It’s surprising how many noises you hear when you sit in absolute silence.
    Yesterday scared me so bad I’ve been sitting in a corner in the hallway outside of what used to be Erin’s room listening for them outside and hoping to God that they wouldn’t come for me.
    I can’t stay much longer.
    Somehow, Erin managed to get loose. But what has me freaked is just how quietly she moved up on me. Had I not seen her shadow…or worse…been
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