not terror or dread, but the perfect state of shock which left him unable to speak, move or think; for that matter I wasn't any better off.
All we could really do is continue listening. “The Center for Disease Control is encouraging individuals to stay where they are and avoid any sort of travel at this time. Should anyone en....en....” once again she stuttered. “Should anyone encounter re...” she coughed and cleared her throat. “Should anyone encounter reanimated matter avoid it at all costs. Do not contact or attempt to make contact. Re-energized material may carry disease and infection which may be harmful. Remain where you are, secure your location and please do not travel unless absolutely necessary. The National Guard and sources within the military have been mobilized to assist. We will have more information as it becomes available .” W ith that the local news channel picked up and began to reiterate what had already been said.
After a moment I reached over and turned the radio down , Rick and I looked at each other again in dismay. We sat there for what seemed like hours with our eyes wide, palms sweating and hearts racing. After a while we somehow found the capacity to speak.
“What, what is she saying man, what the fuck is she saying?” Rick began to panic “WHA T THE FUCK IS SHE TALKING ABOUT? M etabolized, necrotic tissue ? GODDAMMIT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT DEAD PEOPLE?”
He was incoherent ; making little sense, but I knew him and knew what was going through his head.
Taking a deep breath I tried to lower the tone, “Listen, bring it down, take a breath and just listen to me, okay” Rick did as I asked, not that he seemed much calmer , but he did stop ranting long enough for me to get in a few words and in a slow, almost whispering tone I tried to talk him down, “Listen, we don't know all the details, okay? We can't jump to conclusions; we don't know ANYTHING yet... ” “yeah, but...” He cut in, but I cut him off. “NO, listen, we don't know anything yet, not really, we just have to chill till we find out more, we can't go jumping to conclusions, just chill out, we will figure out what’s going on, just take a big deep breath; can you do that for me man?”
“Yeah....yeah....I can do that” He replied, more calmly than before.
Taking a deep breath and composing himself he asked, “What do we do? Should we just head home or what? What do we do?” Rick ranted.
“Listen” I said, taking a deep breath. “ We're already here, let’s get to the store get what we need and get the hell out” . Looking b ack years later I realize it was one of the smartest decisions we made throughout the whole ordeal.
“OK” Is the only response Rick could muster. I told him to take another deep breath, he was hyperventilating, and as he drew in another deep breath he seemed to calm down and regain his senses.
We got moving again , quickly making our way through the little town of Libbetsville which was just on the outskirts of Panatauk, making our way through the little intersection there virtually i gnoring everything else along the route. We arrived in Panatauk only moments later.
The scene in Panatauk was one of confusion and unrest but it had not reached the state of pure panic yet. We were lucky in two respects, in that we were basically already in town w hen the announcement was made, and also that it was still relatively early and most people were at work and the news had not reached everyone yet and if it had people were still trying to make sense of it.
The grocery stores, gas stations and other local businesses were still packed even as it was. People hurriedly filtered in and out gathering groceries and supplies in expectation of all sorts of varied outages and shortages.
If there were any words to describe what we saw it would
Lauraine Snelling, Alexandra O'Karm