ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel

ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel Read Online Free PDF

Book: ZOMBIES: "Chronicles of the Dead": A Zombie Novel Read Online Free PDF
Author: Will Lemen
or scratch you, or get any of their blood in your eyes, nose, or mouth."
    "Right! Shoot her, shoot her now!" Gin said.
    Again, in my humble and meager opinion, she said it a bit too loud.
    Because at that moment Julie looked up, and noticed the four of us standing nearby watching her scarf down her husband.
    Gin, seeming less afraid now, yelled.
    "She's seen us!"
    Julie quickly lost all interest in the post-marriage meal before her, and concentrated her full attention on the seemingly fresher live meat in her midst.
    She leaned forward putting her left hand on the remains of Jon's right leg, digging her fingers deep into the gashes she herself had caused, and reaching up over Jon's head with her right hand in an attempt to pull herself to her feet; she grabbed the razor sharp edge of the broken glass that had sawed Jon in half.
    Julie put most of her weight on the glass with her hand, which was covered with Jon's blood, and between her slippery blood-soaked fingers and the angle of the glass, there was little friction to aid her grip.
    Unable to maintain her grasp, her hand quickly broke free and slid down the glass, instantly her fingers were cleanly severed off between her knuckles and the first finger joints, causing her to fall face first into Jon's hollowed out torso where the glass neatly sliced her head from her neck.
    Her head fell to the floor leaving a trail of blood behind it as it awkwardly rolled under our kitchen table; her body went limp except for a slight twitching of her fingers (the ones that were still attached) and dropped on top of Jon's half eaten corpse.
    Her severed fingers quivered on the floor beside Jon's dead body for a few moments, and then slowly began to exhibit signs of stiffening before they too became lifeless nubs on our kitchen floor.
    That is when we knew the true horror of this disease. Although Julie's head was now detached from her body, her head was still alive.
    The eyes in Julie's decapitated head rolled back and forth, and up and down as they had when her head was still connected to her body.
    Although she still moved her jaw in an attempt to bite us, and I'm sure she would have if an opportunity would have presented itself, she was not able to spit or spew blood or saliva now that her lungs were several feet away, still enclosed in her detached body.
    Earlier we had wondered why Jon was still alive after his body had been cut in two. Even when the shard of glass fell and finally put him out of his misery, we didn't make the connection that the diseased brain would have to be destroyed before the infected ones would ultimately find peace.
    The official broadcasts had not mentioned anything about how to kill the people that had been infected, the warnings were more generic, like stay inside, lock your doors, don't get bit, that kind of thing.
    Gin turned away from Julie’s grossly animated head.
    "I think I'm going to puke."
    "Me too!" Jacob said, his face turning a little green.
    Boom! Boom!
    I watched a fist size chunk of the back of Julie's skull careen off one of the kitchen table legs as my Glock 19 sang out, sending its 9mm bullet through Julie's left eyeball and smashing into the interior of her cranium, and finally putting an end to our neighbor's torment, and her furious menacing stare.
    The only sounds now were the ringing in our ears from the gunshots, and the sickening buzz of the hundreds of flies in the room, along with the constant crackle of gunfire in the distance.
    Our neighbors had now ceased all movement, and for the moment, I felt safe as I slid the pistol into the back of my waistband.
    We stood there for a while, pondering what to do next. Gin still had her back to the atrocious scene.
    “I’m going to call the police!” she said.
    “I tried calling you several times on my way home, but couldn’t get through, everybody is calling 911. But go ahead and try, maybe you’ll get through.” I said, doubtful that she would get any results.
    Gin dialed the
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