into the crowds of weekend tourists who had come to the waterfront to shop and eat. They walked in a tight knot, their faces rigid, their bodies tight with tension. The noise of the city was an assault on their ears. The crowds were thick throngs pushing and rushing for no apparent reason. The streets were filled with cars and trucks. The Instructor stepped to the side of a busy road and threw out his hand urgently.
A taxi pulled across a lane of traffic and jerked to a halt.
The Instructor leaned through the open passenger-side window of the vehicle. The driver was a plump man with no hair on his head, and fat meaty arms. He was grossly overweight. The interior of the vehicle smelled of greasy food and stale sweat. The Instructor smiled.
“Excuse me,” he said in broken awkward English. “We would like to go here.” In his hand was a piece of paper that had been cut from a magazine. The paper was crumpled. The Instructor smoothed it out and smiled warmly again.
The taxi driver frowned. He reached across the passenger seat and took the clipping. He looked at the four men speculatively. “That won’t be cheap,” he said.
The Instructor dug a fist into his pocket and offered a wad of American money. He had a thousand dollars in new fifty-dollar bills. The taxi driver peeled off four of the notes and tucked them into his shirt pocket.
The four men climbed into the taxi and the car sped away from the curb.
“Sun Life Stadium it is,” the driver said.
It was 1pm, Sunday afternoon.
The men had seen sports stadiums in Iran, but nothing to match the sheer grandeur of the structure that seemed to fill the windshield of the taxi as the vehicle entered the vast parking lot. The four men peered out through the windows in hushed wonder. There were thousands of cars – more cars than any of them had seen in their lives.
The taxi lurched to a halt and the driver jabbed a pudgy finger through his window. “That’s the entrance,” he said. “Just follow the crowds.”
The men got out of the taxi and the vehicle sped away in a belch of grey exhaust, riding low on its springs and swaying like a boat as it disappeared from sight. The Instructor glanced at the three other men gathered close to him. “Remember why we are here,” he sounded the warning. “We are martyrs for the great cause. Do not fail your families or your country.”
There were thousands of people, the Instructor saw, dressed in green and orange. Many of the people were sitting in their seats waving giant orange fingers that seemed to be made of foam. The noise of the crowd made his head pound so that he longed for the vast emptiness and solitude of the desert. He found a seat beside several young women. They were sleek and glossy with the exuberance and confidence of youth. Their bodies were tanned brown and they wore shamefully skimpy clothes. They screamed at something that suddenly happened on the sports field but the Instructor did not bother to look. Instead he watched the young women from the corner of his eye. They leaped from their seats and hugged each other. They were laughing. One of the women peeled off the bright colored t-shirt she was wearing so that everyone around her could see her bra. The Instructor turned away. He felt a flush of dark color burn his cheeks. He heard the women giggle gleefully and wondered if they were taunting him.
“Godless whores,” he hissed under his breath. He felt his temper begin to flare, but he suppressed it. He clenched his fists tightly and searched the sea of faces for the other three martyrs. He could not see them, but he knew they would be ready. The Instructor glanced down at his watch…
At third down and eleven on the forty yard line, everyone in Sun Life Stadium seemed to sense the Miami Dolphins were about to call a passing play. An anxious hush descended upon the vast crowd.
The quarterback took the snap and rolled out to his left. Downfield the wide