had been careful to never use the word “suicide” however he had brought up the
idea of freedom more than once. Not necessarily victory, but freedom from the
constant grinding battle to be normal, freedom from his depression, anger and
loneliness, for it all to be gone.
    Alan sped out of the parking lot and
lost the Doctor’s image from sight. He knew what he had to do now. He knew what
he could do. Just like he had rationalized taking Tony’s car, he could
rationalize to himself now to take his own life. He had tried everything.

Chapter 12
    Alan made his way to the downtown
section just a few miles from the high school. His cell phone rang on and on in
his pocket before he pressed the button to silence it’s vibration’s permanently.
    He didn’t even have to look to see who
it was. He knew Dr. Larson would be calling him. She would probably even call Tony
and the police if he didn’t answer. This didn’t bother Alan at all. He parked
in the structure that led to the tallest office building in the business
section of the city.
    Suicide wasn’t a daily thought that
ran through Alan’s mind, still he thought about it enough to know that if the
time ever did come, a jump off a tall building would be the best way to go.
    It was late and no one besides a
security guard was in the building’s brightly lit lobby. Alan walked across the
manicured lawn and decorative statues to the glass door. Without hesitation he
pulled open the door and walked through the immaculate lobby.
    Alan was so far past the point of
caring he didn’t even give the security guard a second look as the large man
addressed him, “Hey, can I help you?”
    When it was apparent that Alan wasn’t
going to stop the security guard stood up from his seat and spoke louder.
    “Hey, you. You can’t go back there.”
    Still Alan didn’t skip a beat. He
walked straight to the shining elevator doors. His right thumb made contact
with the button sporting an arrow pointing up. A short chime greeted him as
elevator doors slid immediately open.
    Alan could hear the security guard’s
running footsteps on the tile as the man spoke into his walkie talkie. “Hey,
Bob, we got an intruder. He just entered elevator—“
    That was all Alan caught as the doors
slid shut and he pressed another button directing him to the top floor. Elevator
music played in the background as the steel box ascended to the top floor. Alan
couldn’t help but notice the white rose the Doctor had provided that so closely
resembled his own state. The white petals were crumpled and wrinkled. Red slots
of blood scattered themselves around the flower like the disco lights at the
dance.  “Hang in there, little guy,” Alan said to the flower. “It’s almost

Chapter 13
    The wind, maybe fate, had made the
final decision for him to jump, pushing him over the edge. But now moments from
hitting the cement walkway Alan knew he wanted to live, if for nothing else then
to prove all of those faces of pity wrong. Anger, desire, the will to live
awoke inside Alan as the ground rushed to meet him.
    Gritting his teeth Alan yelled at the
ground, now only a few feet away. Then his downward momentum slowed. It felt
like someone was lifting him, carrying him up. His forward momentum slowed
until it stopped completely. Alan had never used a parachute but he imagined the
feeling would be similar.
    It happened so fast Alan wasn’t sure
what to think. Fear, confusion, a hundred feelings hit him at once. Alan
hovered above the ground for a spilt second, then dropped the last remaining
feet to safety.

    Find out what
happens to Alan Price in Zero II available now.


     I want to thank God for the ability and raw
determination He has given me to write. My wife for her support both emotionally
and physically while reading and working on Zero. Her feedback is amazing and
her editing skills make my work readable.
     Thanks also goes out to my friends, family and
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