Z 2136 (Z 2134 Series Book 3)

Z 2136 (Z 2134 Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Z 2136 (Z 2134 Series Book 3) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sean Platt
kids were responsible for bringing down the hunter orb, Ana wanted them on her side.
    She nodded.
    The girl removed her glove and extended her hand to Ana.
    “My name is Calla Egan.” She made a small curtsy. “And it is a pleasure to meet the daughter of Jonah.”

    Adam stepped over no less than a thousand dirty and wet red flyers that had been dropped across the city like confetti, each one announcing prizes for killing a Games contestant, but he didn’t dare stop long enough to read one.
    It might’ve been an hour, maybe twice that since his flight from the field. He’d split at the sound of the cannon, away from the boxes of zombies, away from the weapons, food, and supplies.
    Away from the few things that might keep him alive for more than a night. But the risks had been too great, and he had to figure he could find a way to survive without supplies.
    The city was old but not empty. Adam saw no people or zombies—yet—but could hear plenty of rustling from people (or things) seeking refuge in frigid shadows and icy hollows. He saw (or imagined) proof in flickers he spied through cracked alleyways and crooked corridors. He wondered if those flickers were friend or foe, people or zombies—or all of the above.
    Extra players, a broken city, and the added element of wild bandits made these Games different from the zombie-centric ones that Adam was used to watching. He wasn’t sure if he was better or worse off. Part of him dared to hope and believe that maybe the sprawling city might make it easier to wait out his opponents. Wait for what, though? Who knew? All he did know was that the fewer contestants there were to deal with, the longer he would live.
    That’s what Adam kept telling himself, over and over as he made his way from one crumbled exterior to another, darting from shadow to shadow as he slowly crept down overgrown streets toward the city’s long-forgotten heart.
    Adam peeked into the hollowed shells of several old buildings before leaving them behind. None seemed quite right, though he couldn’t say why—just trusting his instincts and training with The City Watch—so he kept trudging forward until he finally found what looked like an old office building, charred on the sides from flames and covered in graffiti. The paint said something he’d only seen in The Dark Quarters a few times before, something he assumed was in relation to The Underground:
    “Blind the eyes of the oppressor with the fire of truth.”
    Adam entered through a rear door and drifted from room to room, then floor to floor, unsure of what he was searching for, other than something to maybe keep him alive. The place smelled damp and, for lack of a better description, old . After visiting several floors he’d found nothing of use. There were plenty of broken things—desks, tables, office equipment from another era—plus plenty of boxes filled with things he couldn't define, all wearing a thick sweater of dust. Hallways were patches of murky fog, dark shadows pierced by beams of bright light. Walls of dust poured through shattered windows to fleck scattered light through every room.
    Adam surrendered his search on the building’s seventh floor. He was standing on the landing, one hand on the door and about to head back downstairs, when he heard something move from somewhere above him.
    Adam swallowed, trying not to let fear short circuit his deliberate pace.
    He wrapped his hand around the thin metal railing and looked up into the light-peppered darkness. Adam felt like he’d run from so much in his life. He’d avoided bullies, he had not trusted Michael when he should have, and he had always taken the easier route rather than face what had to be done. He was in The Games. He would have to fight to survive, and he couldn’t let the first sounds of the unknown scare him away. He needed to learn to adapt to his surroundings and play the cards dealt him. He told himself he’d go a few more
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