You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost)

You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) Read Online Free PDF

Book: You're Never Weird on the Internet (Almost) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Felicia Day
all this through spying on her through my bedroom window, because she didn’t like me and wouldn’t spend any time with me, physically.
    Despite our strained relationship (or because of it), I did have strong thoughts about her lifestyle choices.

    Then I went on to apologize about criticizing her behavior, because I think my diary started chiding me about my judgmental attitude. Somehow.
    Upshot to my bizarre upbringing: I got super-hyper-educated in many odd areas but was pretty lonely for many years. Sometimes achingly so. They say that the root of everything you are lies in your childhood. Every emotional problem, every screwed-up relationship, every misplaced passion and career problem you can blame on the way you were raised. So I can be kinda smug when I say, “Boy, do I have some excuses!”
    Sure, I could have avoided a lot of problems as an adult by being raised like everyone else. I might not have had as much performance anxiety, I might be better at maintaining relationships outside of hitting “Like” on a person’s Facebook post when they have a baby. But here’s the part I unapologetically embrace: My weirdness turned into my greatest strength in life. It’s why I’m who I am today and have the career I have. It’s why I’m able to con someone into allowing me to write this book. (Hi, Mr. Simon and Mr. Schuster!)
    Growing up without being judged by other kids allowed me to be okay with liking things no one else liked. How else could a twelve-year-old girl be so well versed in dragon lore and film noir? Or think it was the height of coolness to be able to graph a cosine equation? Or long to play Dungeons & Dragons but never get the chance until adulthood because her mom saw that one article on how it made you a Satanic basement murderer?
    Most school situations would have shamed all those oddball enthusiasms out of me REALLY quick. Those bow-girls would have snubbed me for them, for sure. But during my childhood my fringeinterests remained uncriticized, so they bloomed inside of me without self-consciousness until I was out in the world, partially formed, like a blind-baked pie shell. By then it was WAY too late. I was irrevocably weird.
    I’m glad I didn’t know better than to like math and science and fantasy and video games because my life would be WAY different without all that stuff. Probably “desk job and babies” different. Not that there’s anything wrong with babies. Or desks. I mean, I’m sitting at one now, so my analogy really doesn’t . . . I didn’t mean to insult anyone with those things, I just . . . oh gosh, panic sweats.
    Anyway, thanks for all the weirdness, Mom and Dad!

    P.S. I don’t have a GED. I have two college degrees, but I don’t actually have a high school one.
    It took writing this chapter to figure that out. Fuck.

- 2 -
What Avatar Should I Be?
Forming my identity with video game morality tests. And how that led to my first kiss with a Dragon in a Walmart parking lot.
    Knowing yourself is life’s eternal homework. ( Another coffee mug slogan!) We have to dig and experiment and figure out who the hell we are from birth to death, which is super inconvenient, right? And embarrassing. Because as teenagers we do all that soul-searching through our clothing choices. Which we later have photographic evidence of for shaming purposes. Hippie, sporty, goth, I have an adorable sampling of all my more mortifying phases.

    That “mom jeans” picture calls for a postview eye bleaching, huh?
    Because I was homeschooled, there are huge holes in my identity that I constantly have to trowel over. Answers to basic, “truth or dare” questions like:
▪  If you could trade places with one person for a day, who would it be? (I guess Beyoncé because . . . amazing hair reasons?)
▪  If society broke down, what store would you loot first? (A drug store for tampons? Sorry, dudes, for mentioning tampons in the book.)
▪  What kind of tattoo would you get?
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