You Really Got Me

You Really Got Me Read Online Free PDF

Book: You Really Got Me Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kelly Jamieson
word.” Kevin tugged at the collar of his golf shirt. “He made me nervous.”
    “Why? You have nothing to be nervous about.” She shot him another sharp glance. “Do you?”
    “What the fuck! Does everybody think I killed my fiancée or something? Why would I do that? I love her, for chrissake!” His hands curled into fists at his side, then he turned and stalked out of the room and down the hall.
    Kendall’s throat constricted as he stormed out, and she bit her bottom lip. Of course she didn’t think he’d killed his fiancée, that was crazy ass stupid. But Kevin had been known to get into trouble, and she’d been known to bail him out. Not big trouble, just crazy kid trouble, but still, he was the only family she had and she’d always looked after him. She had to look after him.
    He must be worried sick about Natalia.
    They had guests arriving from out of town, starting in a few days. They had a rental company from Santa Barbara arriving Friday to deliver and set up chairs and tables for both the ceremony and the reception. They had a caterer ready to descend upon the vineyard at the end of this week to begin preparations for dinner for two hundred people. Gifts were already piling up in the den. On top of that, the unseasonably warm weather was causing the grapes to ripen on the vine much too early. They’d planned this wedding to happen well before harvest, which was the busiest time of year at the vineyard. Her heart picked up pace a little, and her breathing grew shallow.
    No no no. This was not time to lose control. She jumped to her feet and rubbed her palms over her khaki shorts. She could do this. She’d call Jason and find out this was all just some hilarious misunderstanding. They’d all be laughing about this, at some point.
    And she’d be cool and courteous when she spoke to him. As if her heart wasn’t pounding against her breastbone.
    She pulled out her cell phone and stared at it for a moment before getting her nerve up to punch in Jason’s cell phone number. When he answered, his rich and deep voice, authoritarian and sexy, was immediately recognizable.
    “Kendall. Hi.” His tone softened into a husky rasp that made her go soft and warm inside. “How are you?”
    “I’m fine.” She tried to control the way her heart thumped and her fingers trembled on the phone. “Good. So. Have you found anything? Any clue of where Natalia might have gone?” Hope rose inside her. Maybe…
    “No. Nothing.”
    “Oh.” Her bubble deflated. “Damn.”
    “I need to talk to you.”
    “Really?” She bit her lip.
    “Yes. About the case.”
    “Oh. Of course.”
    “I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.”
    She ended the call. Jason was coming.
    Chief of police. He wanted to talk about “the case”. This was official police business.
    She remembered how Kevin had looked when he’ d walked in–pale, red-rimmed eyes and wrinkled clothing, as if he ’d just been on an epic bender, but with an air of abject misery that went deeper than just a hangover. Kevin, damn you, where were you?
    Was she really going to lie to the police…again?
    She played with the rings on her right ring finger, her mother’s wedding, engagement and anniversary rings soldered together into one wide band. The sharp claws of the large center diamond pricked her index finger and her thumb rubbed over the smoothly worn band at her palm as she tugged the rings up and down on her finger. She gazed at her hand, the stone sparkling and flashing, the gold gleaming in the sunlight pouring through the arched window.
    Mom. What would Mom do?
    Mom always tried to protect her husband and their family. Kendall’s stomach churned remembering being in this very room when her mom told her Dad wasn’t feeling well and couldn’t go to her dance recital. Being in this very room, the ceiling fan twirling above her, as she told the police she didn’t know how much her father’d had to drink the night of the crash. And she remembered being in
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