Wrong Place (The Wrong Series)

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Book: Wrong Place (The Wrong Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mitchel Grace
ring, John heard a familiar voice on the other end.
    “Hello ,” Markus said.
    “Hey, how have you been , Markus?”
    “I’m doing just fine. H ow are Stacey and the kids?”
    “Oh, we’re all good. I actually called to ask you about something that’s been troubling me,” John said in a slightly more timid voice than anyone at the CIA would have normally heard him speak with.
    “What is it? What’ s been troubling you?”
    “Well you see, we’ve received a lot of information from different sources that are strongly implying that you, and those associated with you, are dealing weapons and training gear to other nations and even to terrorist organizations. We also have reason to believe that some of our best agent’s and soldier’s deaths can be traced back to people within your company. Now, I’m not accusing you of anything, but I just had to hear that something like this couldn’t be true from you. I mean, we’ve been friends for how long?”
    “We’ve been friends for close to twelve years, and I can’t believe you would even ask me something like this. The answer is no. You can investigate us all you want, but you won’t find what doesn’t exist.”
    “I’m sorry. I just wanted to come to you and let you know what was going on because I felt like you deserved to know. It’s not as if I really think the accusations are true.” 
    Suddenly, Markus’s tone changed to a much darker one than John had ever heard from his friend.
    “Well, l et’s just say that these informants who are feeding you this information were telling the truth. You would be investigating a man and a company that has friends all over the world. They would be friends who aren’t mutual friends of the United States; the type of friends who would love to have their hands on the many warfare items that we exclusively offer to the United States and their allies. Now, let’s assume that money was no object, and the owner of this organization could move his business anywhere in the world that he needed to. He could support any army and hunt anyone. Now, let’s also review the fact that I, the owner of this extremely powerful company, know the names of many top ranking officials and agents within your own CIA. I also know where you live and where your kids go to school. Am I really someone who you would want to open a full investigation on? You have to ask yourself something. Am I really the person to screw with, John?”
    John’s heart sunk. Sure, he was pretty pissed that this man, a man who he had thought of as a close friend just a minute before, would make such a threat against his people, and more importantly , his family, but everything that he said was true. This was not the type of man that John wanted to go to war with. He had powerful connections, and the money to buy anything that could possibly be needed. He could buy weapons, agents, and if needed, even more powerful connections.
    “No, I suppose that wouldn’t be the best idea,” John said while trying to mask the mixture of anger and defeat in his voice.
    “Well listen, I’ve got to go, but thanks for the heads u p on what’s going on.”
    “ Goodbye, Markus,” John said and hung up the phone.
    Sitting at his desk, Joh n tried to think through all his options, but knew what he had to do. He was no match for Markus. He didn’t have the funds or friends in the world to fight a war with Markus, and honestly, even if he had the resources that Markus had, he wouldn’t be confident that he could win a fight against such a man. Markus had always come off as kind in their past meetings, but he had also come off as a very educated and driven individual. John’s new enemy was not only rich and powerful but also smart and apparently devious. The operation in Mississippi would have to be called off. John wouldn’t risk the lives of his family in a situation that was simply unwinnable.
    * * * * *
    Sam finally arrived in her target town, and she was stopped at a red
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