Wounded (Dogs of War MC Book One)

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Book: Wounded (Dogs of War MC Book One) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Monica Rossi
middle of the room was made of, it made the place feel special, official. He remembered the first time he’d been allowed in when he was thirteen. It was significant for him because little kids weren’t allowed in the Sanctuary and that was the point he felt like nobody saw him as a kid anymore, despite his painful lack of pubic hair or girlfriend.
    “Old Ryder, returned from the dead,” Big Dog came around the table, patting him on the back enthusiastically. “I’m glad to see you man, I didn’t think I would.”
    Did that mean he was in on it? “Yeah, it was a close call but I made it.”
    “So I heard the story from everybody else but I want to hear it from you.”
    “Well I got… separated from the trio I was working with and four Hellhounds decided it was time for me to see the Reaper Moon up close and personal. I couldn’t fight them all but I managed to get away and lose them in the woods. Who knows, maybe they just gave up, I’m sure I was leaving my scent and a trail of blood that would have been easy to follow. Anyway, I found a spot to curl up in and waited to heal, but I never did. It was a while before I realized I wasn’t healing at all, I mean AT ALL, so I started trying to get back to the rally point but I guess I was just too weak.”
    “So you fell down in the middle of the road? Smart, man.”
    “Well I wasn’t really planning of where I fell, I just fell.”
    “And that’s where the vet found you?”
    “You lucky son of a bitch.”
    “Pretty much, I probably would have bled out and been hit by a semi if she hadn’t found me.”
    “And you couldn’t get away sooner? We searched every inch of the forest for you and your damn mom lost her goddamned shit.”
    Ryder could have left sooner. Sidney kept her bedroom window open most of the time with nothing more than a screen between him and getting out. He didn’t want to look too closely at the reasons behind his extended stay at Sidney’s house. “Nah man, I didn’t have the energy to shift and I was weak as hell.”
    Bid Dog nodded, “Alright, but what happened with the lady? Why didn’t  you just sneak out of there when you could change? You didn’t have to reveal yourself to her.”
    That had been his plan. Shift while she was at work, call the guys, and leave before she ever got home. But that hadn’t sat right with him, he’d wanted her to know that it was a person she’d saved and not just some big tame wolf, wanted her to know him.
    He shrugged, it was too complicated to explain to himself, much less trying to explain it to Big Dog.
    “Well did you at least get her to agree to keep the shit quiet?”
    “She got pretty wasted before I left, she’s probably going to be passed out for the next twelve hours. I’ll go visit her this weekend and have a conversation about it.”
    Big Dog nodded. “Alright, alright. Good to have you back man.” He stood up and held out his hand for Red to grasp, “But you’ve got to tell me about the bath, were there bubbles?”
    Back in his room Red undressed and fell into his bed, it had been a wild bunch of days and he had a lot to sort out. But despite all the turmoil surrounding what happened during the fight, his mind just kept returning to Sidney. If he had stayed with her he’d be cuddled up with her in her bed right now, away from all the madness of the club, away from anyone who wanted to kill him. He closed his eyes and replayed what he’d seen every morning for the past few days, Sidney stepping out of the shower, water droplets gliding down those damn luscious curves, rubbing the towel all over the places he wanted to run his hands over. The scene changed in his mind and he wasn’t in wolf form, he was there with her as a man, he grabbed her by the waist and spun her around to face the wall, her hands braced against the counter, running his hands up her torso he cupped her breast and massaged the stiff peaks, she gasped. Her mouth forming a perfect O, his gaze
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