Without Doubt
in the middle of the room.
There are a few overstuffed leather chairs and a matching sofa on
one side with a kitchen on the other. Ava crosses her arms and
looks at me, her brow furrowing while I imagine she contemplates
what to say. The only noise is the hum of the ceiling fan and I’m
completely content just standing here in the slightly broken
silence, watching her brainstorm.
    I don’t know what direction she’s planning
on this conversation going, so I decide to wait and let her work it
out in her head. I stand with my hands in my pockets, just watching
her, thinking I could stand here, admiring her, forever.
    She takes a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m just going to be honest here. It’ll probably make me look bad,
but I just don’t know of any other way to go about it.”
    I’m stumped. “Ok. Honesty is good,” I
encourage her. “What is it you need to say?” Without over thinking
it, I take a step closer and she automatically straightens her
    “ Let me ask you this
first—why did you send me that dinner?”
    I don’t even have to think about that answer
before replying, “Because those ramen noodles are terrible for you
and I don’t like the idea of you eating badly. Because I wanted to
take you to dinner, I still want to, but you won’t go with me.
Because I was hoping it would make you smile. Because I wanted to
and I usually do what I want, Ava.”
    Her breathing hitched a bit and then she
slowly nodded her head a couple times. At some point during my
answer, I took another couple steps, so I’m right in front of her
and she’s looking up at me, her neck elongated and exposed.
    “ Ok.” Her words come out
like a sigh and I think goosebumps just popped out on the back of
my neck.
    “ Did it make you smile,
Ava?” I would be called all kinds of things if the guys ever heard
any part of this conversation, but I don’t give a shit. I like this
girl a whole lot, and for some reason I haven’t figured out yet, I
want to make this confusing, frustrating, hot as hell girl mine. I
want to make her smile.
    “ Yes. Thank you.” She
places her small hand on my cheek and I’m tempted to dig my hands
into her long hair and pull her face to mine so I can press my
mouth against her shiny, plump lips and not let go for a while. But
I won’t. I’ll let her do this at her pace.
    Before I know it, she lets out an agitated
puff of air and drops her hand from my face. She squeezes past me
and pulls a chair from the table around to me. She faces it towards
the door. “Sit. Please.” She sounds irritated and it’s cute as
hell. “I can’t say what I need to say while you’re looking at me
with your big stupid beautiful eyes.”
    I don’t mean to laugh at her, but a low
chuckle escapes my lips before I can stop it. After I sit, I lean
forward to put my elbows on my knees and twist my lip ring to keep
from turning around to watch her pacing behind me.
    “ I’ve seen you come in and
out of here for a while now. I even asked who you were. I’m sure
it’s obvious that I’m attracted to you and you seem to alter my way
of thinking when you’re too close to me. Your note with the
outrageous tip and the note along with dinner made me feel things I
can’t allow myself to feel, Declan. I don’t know why you’re doing
this; nobody does, actually. Everyone that has spoken to me seems
to be dumbfounded at the things you’ve said and done regarding me.
I hate that after just one conversation and a few notes and
gestures from you, I can’t seem to stop myself from thinking about
you. I missed you
this last week, Declan. That’s crazy . I mean crazy like, maybe I
should be committed for my obsessive stalker tendencies kind of
    I can’t do it anymore. I told myself that I
would hear her out, but she’s starting to get really upset and I
can’t let her think that she’s alone in the “obsessive stalker
tendencies.” I stand up slowly and face her. She’s still pacing and
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