With Her Capture
    “There are several emotions I’m feeling right
now,” he told her honestly. “But first, it seems I’m going to have
to give you a name, my beaute noire .”
    “You aren’t hiding some of them very
    Ayden didn’t care if she picked up on his
lust for her. What male wouldn’t crave such an intoxicating
    What mattered was that her anger was gone.
She now smelled curios. If she were afraid, feared him in any way,
he would pick up on it. She didn’t. Possibly a life on the run, as
he imagined it had been for her, had trained her never to show
fear. It would be a survivor technique, and one he admired.
    He also smelled her lust. Not that he minded.
He had a feeling she warred with the emotion inside. Ayden wouldn’t
do anything she didn’t want. If that meant keeping his thoughts off
how he’d love to earn her submission, he’d manage that. He wanted
her trust before having her body. But once she sniffed out the
truth, that he truly was here to help and not hurt her, damn was he
going to enjoy every inch of her beautiful, dark skinned body.
    He smiled. The flames dancing higher between
them brought out auburn highlights in her otherwise black, straight
hair. He’d never seen a female with her coloring before. Cariboo lunewulf , as well as lunewulf , were all blond. But
this beaute noire , with her tan skin and even darker hair
that tumbled down her shoulders and arms, was a rare sight. She
should be honored and adored, not hunted. Ayden wondered if her
guarded wariness kept her eyes from glowing. Would they shine like
onyx if she no longer feared life and all who were in it?
    “Are you going to share that kill I brought
for you?” he asked, deciding to start working on that trust.
    Any howling of how she pulled certain
emotions out from deep inside him would only make her mad again.
And his black beauty had a temper different from most. Her
differences didn’t seem cause to be hunted and killed.
    She looked down and something played at her
lips. Was that a smile? He liked her mouth. Her lips were full and
the color of a rich, dark red exquisite wine. When she moistened
them his dick instantly hardened.
    She held up the freezer bag full of the
chicken and something flashed in her eyes. If it was amusement, he
didn’t quite capture the smell of it.
    “This kill? Did you kill a chicken just for
    He almost laughed. “Just an expression,” he
admitted. “It’s hardly an honorable kill to reach into a pen and
pull out a docile bird and break its neck. Trust me, when I lay my
kill at your feet, you’ll know it.”
    She stared at him a moment, not lowering the
bag of chicken. When a male brought his kill to a female it meant
more than his desire to appease her hunger. It was laying claim,
honoring her from his heart. Ayden wasn’t sure why he’d just said
    “Magda,” she said.
    “Magda?” Was that her name?
    She dropped the bag of chicken between her
legs and lowered her head, focusing as she unzipped the
    “My whelped name is Magdaline. My sire
nicknamed me Magda when I was too young to remember.”
    It was a nice name for a sire to call his
cub. But the female across from him was hardly a cub any longer.
She also wasn’t shivering anymore. The cave had warmed nicely. He
selfishly wished he’d thought to have brought her one of his
t-shirts, or something that would reveal that tempting body he knew
was underneath the baggy folds of his sweats she wore.
    “Magdaline. It’s a beautiful name.”
    “Everyone calls me Magda.”
    He wanted to know who everyone was.
    She pulled a large breast from the bag and
ripped at the cooked flesh with her teeth. He watched her chew,
swallow. Then she moved, straightening, standing. Instantly, she
grabbed the sweatpants with her free hand. He hid a smile as he
watched, not daring to move or say a word. When she started around
the fire toward him he sensed it took a fair amount of courage on
her part to approach
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