Wish You Were Here

Wish You Were Here Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wish You Were Here Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victoria Connelly
endure during the cold months and then promptly sneezing on her and, at work, Larry continued to ignore her and Ben continued to call her Anna. Life was perfectly normal if far from perfect.
    But, finally, the great day arrived. Alice had spent the final five evenings before the holiday packing. And unpacking. She just didn’t know what to take. She’d looked up the temperatures in Kethos online and was assured that mid-April was mild but not hot. That meant you had to take absolutely everything: jeans and jumpers in case it was cool and dresses and swimsuits in case it was warm. Not that Alice had much in the way of clothes; she wasn’t the sort of woman who had an excess of anything – unlike her sister who had once bought a favourite dress in three different colours. Alice thought of her sister’s heaving wardrobe and the number of clothes which had been flung over their father’s old bed. She couldn’t help thinking that something was wrong when a person had more shoes than books in their home.
    Which reminded her, which books was she going to take? She’d treated herself to a guidebook and a lovely paperback romance called
Swimming with Dolphins
as well as a funny little hardback she’d found in her favourite second-hand bookshop in Norwich. The book was called
Know Your Gods
and, as Alice didn’t, she’d bought it.
    Their flight to Greece left shortly after seven and Stella refused to drive to the airport so early in the morning and didn’t want to pay the parking charges for the week either.
    ‘You can pay for a taxi. You
getting a free holiday, after all,’ she told Alice who swallowed hard, held her tongue and made a huge cash withdrawal from a hole in the wall.
    Travelling with her sister was a trying experience. She had been the archetypal
kid and she hadn’t grown out of that with the passing of the years.
    ‘I don’t understand why we have to be at the airport so early,’ she complained. Then came, ‘There really isn’t enough leg room for somebody like me. It’s all right for you with your short legs.’ Then, ‘I can’t believe we don’t get a meal on this plane. Not that it would be edible or anything but it’s the principle, isn’t it?’
    The world would never please Stella no matter how hard it tried, Alice thought, gazing out of the window and smiling at the intense blue waters far below them as they neared their destination.
    The island of Kethos lay in the Mediterranean Sea just off the mainland of Greece. From the air, it looked rather like a squashed heart and Alice wondered if this had anything to do with the Aphrodite legend that was linked to the island.
    She picked up her guidebook. ‘Do you want to read this?’ she asked Stella.
    ‘No, I’m reading this,’ her sister answered, holding up a copy of a glossy gossip magazine. Alice was just about to try and find out more about the famous Greek goddess when the announcement came that they were about to land.
    ‘About time too!’ Stella said, shoving her magazine into her handbag and reaching for her compact to make sure her face was still immaculate. Alice didn’t bother reaching for hers.
    For a moment, she was aware that her sister’s eyes were upon her. ‘You could’ve made an effort,’ Stella told her. ‘Were you in a rush this morning?’
    ‘Well, just look at you!’
    ‘We’re travelling, Stella, not attending a party,’ Alice said, noticing her sister’s lacy dress with the plunging neckline.
    ‘Yes, and you never know who you’re going to meet,’ Stella said, pointedly looking around the aeroplane. ‘Take him over there – he’s quite nice looking. In fact, I might introduce myself.’
    ‘Stella, you’ve just broken up with Joe.’
    ‘Oh, that was
ago!’ she said. ‘And what’s wrong with a bit of flirting, anyway? I’m totally up for a holiday romance and you should be too. Once you get a bit of sun on your face and do something with your
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