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Book: Wings Read Online Free PDF
Author: J. C. Owens
Tags: Science-Fiction, Romance, Fantasy
ground coming up at him and wondered if death would be quick.
    Surely it could not be worse than what his enemies had planned.
    At the last moment, his tormenter tightened his grip upon him and opened his wings fully,
    slowing their descent drastically, and only then, close to the ground, did he release Anyar.
    He hit hard, crying out in pain, but the harsh blow was not enough to kill him, only send
    him tumbling end over end. When at last he stopped against a stand of bushes, his mind dazed,
    his body limp and stunned, he had no idea where was up or down.
    A shadow fell over him, but before he could react, hands were on him, restraining.
    He managed to get his eyes to focus, then widen as he saw the envoy approaching, dart in
    “No!” he cried out, desperate, and began to struggle uselessly in the grip of two other
    He thrashed and twisted, even tried to bite the hands that held him, mindless panic making
    thin whimpers escape his throat. They would take his wings—mutilate him.

    J. C. Owens

    Hard hands took his head and held it to a solid body, imprisoning him, blinding him to
    what was coming, like blindfolding a terrified horse. His tried to flail his wings, but held to the
    ground as he was, they only flapped uselessly, impotently, in the dust.
    A callused hand stroked his cheek, and he flinched violently away, struggling harder, then
    finally collapsing with exhaustion, trembling.
    “Sssh, little one. This will only hurt for a moment, and it is better you not damage yourself
    in such rebellion as you have shown so far. This is gentler by far.”
    Anyar snarled at that hated voice, and low laughter sounded in his ear as a prick made him
    flinch again. Held tightly, he could do nothing but endure the stinging pain as some fluid entered
    his body. At last the sharp object was withdrawn and the area rubbed hard; then his senses began
    to swim.
    The hands released him, but he could do nothing but lay there, blinking hazily. The envoy
    leaned over him, smile possessive and frightening.
    “Mine…” The whisper followed Anyar into darkness.

    Vanyae felt blood pound in his veins with the successful recapture of the young Melanian.
    It was all he could do not to simply flip the limp body over, tear the clothing off, and take the
    boy right there. Every primal instinct he possessed wanted to lay claim right here, right now.
    Trying to distract himself, knowing that he crouched over the motionless body like a
    predator, wings mantled, he slowly rose to his feet, fighting his own body. Already his men had
    collected the limp form of Tanyan, long since darted and recaptured.
    He took a deep breath, staring down at Anyar, once again disturbed by the strength of his
    attraction to this boy. “I hope you will soon learn, little Melanian, not to fight,” he whispered


    Chapter Three

    Anyar woke abruptly, breath freezing in his lungs, eyes wide and startled.
    His body ached unmercifully, and memories of his painful landing came in stark detail, but
    it was soon evident that pain of the past was being overlaid by pain of the present.
    He knelt, chained hands attached to the wall behind him, up and over his head, which
    arched his body into a bow that made breathing difficult and his wrenched back quiver with
    strain. His wings seemed to be bound against the wall also in some fashion, but he was only glad
    they were still there and that his captors had not taken the opportunity to remove them.
    He turned his head slowly, painfully, immediately worried about Tanyan's whereabouts,
    and met the commander's eyes from across the small room.
    The Melanian commander gave a small, encouraging smile, though his eyes were grim
    with inner thoughts. He was not bound as Anyar was. His hands were chained before him, and
    that chain attached to the wall so he could not reach his fellow prisoner.
    Anyar's eyes darted about the room, his inner panic gradually subsiding as he realized they
    were alone.
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