Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1)

Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Wind-Scarred (The Will of the Elements, Book 1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sky Corbelli
Tags: adventure, Future, wind, wormhole, hawkins, stargate, element, ezra
could throw and hired me on to take video. I just
need to... edit it a bit. Yeah, a little editing! Just heading out
to do that now.”
    “ Why are you using such an old model?” She asked, taking a
swaying step forward. The motion of her hips as she moved was
just... whoa, down libido, down.
    “ Pretty... pictures! The quality, that is, on the older
models,” he mopped at his forehead. Was it warm in this alley?
“Much higher than on neural net recordings.”
    That sounded plausible. Now he would just
make his exit be in the clear. He took a step back just as a huge
display went off somewhere in front of him, lighting everything in
a sunny yellow. That was the only reason he noticed the shadow that
suddenly passed overhead. Glancing up quickly, Ezra felt the blood
drain from his face in shock. Time seemed to slow.
    A glider flew in between him and the
waterwork display. But that was not what shocked him. There was a
man strapped to the glider, almost exactly as Ezra himself had been
only a few hours ago. As he watched, the man threw a glowing ball
out over them and then vanished behind a building. The waterwork
exploded into burst of blues and silvers that sprinkled down on
Ezra's upturned face as he tried to figure out what he had just
    The girl laughed with delight and cheered up
at where the man had been just a moment ago. “What,” Ezra asked in
a weak voice, “was that?”
    “ Oh, you didn't see them earlier? It's the Guild of Sundry!
The Founder's Day event that everyone was talking about! They've
had people flying around for the last two hours at
    “ Two hours, you say?” Ezra croaked. He didn't think his voice
could sound much weaker.
    “ Yeah, it was a little shocking at first, but once everyone
figured out what was going on, they really got into it, even
throwing waterworks up to the gliders and trying to run along with
them. It's been so much fun! You really didn't see them earlier?
They've been everywhere!”
    Ezra's mind was whirling, trying to make
connections. What were the chances of the Guild of Sundry doing
something exactly like what he had done at exactly the time he had
done it? Was this a good thing, or a bad thing? People wouldn't be
nearly as shocked at seeing him fly by anymore, they'd just think
it had been part of the event. He was so caught up in his train of
thought that he didn't notice the flirtatious smile that spread
across the girl's face as she swayed closer to him.
    “ So,” she said in a low and sultry voice, “did you get any
footage of me dancing in there? I always try to stay where things
are wildest.”
    “ Oh, yeah, uh, I'm sure that I saw you.” Ezra was still trying
to puzzle out what these gliders meant for his plan.
    “ Really? I bet you got some really hot stuff of me. Can I
see?” Her voice was a husky whisper as she reached for the camera.
Ezra snapped out of his train of thought and tried to stop her, but
somehow her hand ended up behind his as she stepped in and pressed
her body against him again, going up on her toes to plant a quick
kiss on his mouth. Frozen, stunned, he had no chance when she
deftly disconnected the camera from its strap and retreated with
her prize, popping on the holoscreen and starting the recording
from the beginning.
    “ What you are seeing here is actual footage...” His voice
sounded tinny and far away. Something unreadable flashed through
the mischievously pleased look on the girl's face, so fast that
Ezra thought he must have imagined it.
    Her eyes glued to the image, she said, “This
doesn't look like the club at all. What is it?”

Trouble with
    Ezra stared dumbly as the girl watched the
video. Whatever danger he was in, she would be in too if he
couldn't convince her that what she was looking at wasn't what she
was looking at. He had to protect her somehow. The thought jump
started his brain and his mouth began spinning out the most
believable tale he could come up with on the spot.
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