Wildflower (Colors #4)

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Book: Wildflower (Colors #4) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jessica Prince
waving like a maniac. “I love you! Have a great day!”
    The car door slammed and I could see Ethan’s face, beet red from embarrassment as Kyle fell forward against the steering wheel, his howl of laughter echoing from the truck’s cab.
    And my work was done.

It was official. I was going straight to hell.
    There were no ifs, ands, or buts about it. My ass was gonna fry.
    But I had a plan. It was time to commence Operation Get-Harlow-Back.
    The circumstances surrounding her return were heartbreaking, and I hated thinking that she was in pain at the loss of Lucille. But that didn’t stop me from lying in bed at night, trying to come up with a perfectly logical excuse to run into her once or five times every day.
    I just hadn’t managed to find my in yet. But as the guys began filing into the weight room, it was as if a light bulb went off in my head. The plan to kick-off my special op was genius, really. I just had to figure out the most delicate way to approach the subject.
    The boys got down to their workouts with minimal bitching and whining, and I was able to get in a few reps here and there in between trying to keep the chaos organized. It was when I finally reached the bench press that brilliance struck.
    “Prewitt!” I hollered over the thrum of voices that echoed through the weight room.
    Ethan turned from where he was standing by the free weights with a few of the other players. “Yeah, Coach?”
    “I need a spot. Can you cover me?”
    He jogged over and took his spot at the head of the bench while I laid back and gripped the bar over my head. I pushed it off the rack on an exhale and paused before lowering to my chest and back up. Ethan’s eyes—the exact same unique hazel color as Harlow’s—stayed diligently trained on the bar as it raised and lowered.
    “So,” I started on a grunt. “How’ve you been? You’ve had a lot going on lately.”
    He gave me a small shrug before helping me re-rack the bar. I sat up and turned to look at him. “I’m good, honestly. I mean, it sucks that Gram’s gone, but I’m okay. At least Harlow’s back, right?”
    And there was my in .
    “Yeah, you’re right.” I laid back down and started on my second set. “How is she, by the way?”
    I breathed through my nose and offered an, “Uh huh.” I began to feel that familiar burn in my arms and chest, relishing the slight sting of a good workout. There were very few things I enjoyed on this planet more than pushing myself to my limit and surpassing that expectation. Football used to be one of them. So was Harlow.
    Both of those things were gone now. But I couldn’t help but think that maybe I was getting a second chance at one of them.
    “She’s good. I mean, all things considering. Going a little crazy if you ask me.”
    “What makes you say that?” I asked as I rested before my third set.
    Another shrug. “She kinda lost her shit this morning. Said she’s going stir crazy, or something. She wants to get a job to get her out of the house. I told her about the photography teacher’s position here, so she might apply for it. Who knows?”
    Sure, digging for information about my ex from her fourteen-year-old brother could be viewed as fucked up in some people’s eyes, but I had to take what I could get. I hadn’t gotten shit in almost six years. I was feeling a little desperate.
    I knew the moment Harlow left that she and Lucille had kept the whole truth about what happened between us from Ethan, only telling him what they felt he needed to know, so if he was the only ally I had in getting her back, I wasn’t holding back any punches.
    I laid back and started my last set, trying my hardest to sound casual. Even though my pounding heart and prickling skin had shit-all to do with working out. “You think she’s interested?”
    Another shrug. “I dunno.”
    Jesus. Did kids now a days do anything other than shrug? Two years of working at a high school made me cringe at the thought that
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