Wild: Tiger's Blood MC

Wild: Tiger's Blood MC Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wild: Tiger's Blood MC Read Online Free PDF
Author: Heather West
thankfully, Elliot didn’t notice. When she slipped the drinks onto the counter, I grabbed one and discreetly dropped a pill inside.
    “This is for you,” I said, sliding the drink across the bar towards Elliot. “I shouldn’t have grabbed it first.”
    Elliot wrapped his fingers around the glass and lifted it to his wide, sensual lips. He swallowed some of the whiskey and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. When he looked at me again, I saw the same familiar fire in those green eyes. A shiver of lust went through me and for a moment, it took everything inside of me to not lean across the space and plant my mouth against his. Just being around Elliot again was doing dangerous things to my libido, and I couldn’t wait for this whole damn thing to be over.
    “So,” Elliot slurred lightly. “What brings you out here on a night like this?”
    I knew exactly how I had to play my cards: innocent but sexy and determined. “Well, I was lonely,” I said, looking down as I took a sip of my drink. It tasted exactly like I remembered and a small thrill went through me. “I wanted to go out and talk to some people.”
    “I don’t love talking,” Elliot said. “But here I am.” He drained his glass and set it on the bar, snapping his fingers for another. He seemed more relaxed than I would have guessed, like he was completely at ease with the situation.
    “So, are you in a motorcycle club?” I ran my finger down the side of Elliot’s sleeve. His jacket was emblazoned with tiger stripes. This close, I thought I could catch a whiff of his scent—leather and tobacco—and I had to take a deep breath and focus.
    “Yeah.” Elliot grinned, cocky and stupid as ever. “I’m the president of the Tiger’s Blood.”
    “Never heard of you,” I said casually, taking a small amount of pleasure in the way Elliot’s face fell. “Are you local?”
    “This is our bar,” Elliot said, rapping the dark wood of the bar with his hand. “You like it?”
    “I love it,” I purred. “I love the band; you know those guys?”
    Elliot nodded. “They always pull in a big crowd,” he said with a grin. “Can I get you another drink?”
    I bit my lip. This was where I knew I really had to start acting. If I didn’t work quickly, the drug would, and Elliot would be asleep on the floor of the bar. Impulsively, I leaned over and pretended like I’d dropped my purse.
    “Oh my god,” I squealed. “I just dropped my bag! Can you help me look for it?”
    Elliot put a hand against his forehead. “I don’t feel so good,” he said. “I think I should actually go.”
    “Come on,” I said, grabbing Elliot’s arm and tugging his sleeve. “It won’t take long! I don’t want to lose my wallet!”
    We got down on our hands and knees and began scouting around the floor for the contents of my purse. I hadn’t brought any identification with me, and Elliot clumsily grabbed a handful of keys and mints and handed them over.
    “There,” he said, breathing heavily. For a moment, his lids fluttered closed.
    Yes. I wrapped an arm around Elliot and pulled him to his feet. “I’ll help you lie down,” I said sweetly. “Just help me out of this bar.”
    Elliot staggered towards a dark staircase and I walked with him, supporting his weight. He seemed like he was going to lose consciousness at any second and I grinned to myself as I began helping him up the stairs.
    “There’s a bedroom up here,” Elliot slurred. “Come on.” I half carried, half dragged him up the stairs until we were at the top. There was a door with a knob and I pushed it open, dragging Elliot inside and throwing him on the bed. With all of my might, I swung hard and hit him in the stomach until he was doubled over with pain.
    “Who’s supplying your weapons?” I growled, straddling Elliot and pressing the blade of a knife into his throat. “You tell me, or I’ll kill you
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