Wild About You

Wild About You Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wild About You Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kerrelyn Sparks
his death-sleep in the dark basement of his grandfather’s house. After a short ferry trip from the island to Port Mishenka, they’d caught the bigger ferry to Anchorage. At a local diner, they met his old high school buddy, Harry Yutu, who worked as a reporter for the popular local tabloid, Northern Lights Sound Bites . His cousins and Phil wolfed down a dozen hamburgers while Howard and Harry discussed the finer points of the game they called Payback. They couldn’t afford to let Rhett know who was playing with him, so Harry had arranged for them to secretly borrow an SUV through a rental agency that owed him a favor.
    After dropping Harry off at the newspaper office, Howard had driven north toward Fairbanks. It was just after 11:00 p.m. now. The full moon had risen, but the sun still lingered on the horizon. He turned off the engine.
    Phil woke with a jerk and quickly looked around. “Are we there?”
    Howard pointed at the two-lane road that curved to the right then disappeared from view. “Rhett’s estate is a mile down there. I reconnoitered it about a week ago. He had one guard at the gatehouse and four more watching the exterior of the house. All mortals, so they’re probably working tonight while the werewolves are forced to shift.”
    Phil nodded. “They’ll be off in the woods, hunting. Unless they’re Alpha like me, but I doubt Rhett allows any of his minions to gain that much power.”
    “I’m hoping they stay in the woods. We’ll be in deep shit if they discover us.” That was the main reason Howard had wanted more Vamps on his team. If they were attacked, the Vamps could have teleported them away. Without that emergency exit strategy, they had to count on the plan working without a hitch.
    Phil gave him a curious look. “You and your cousins don’t need to shift tonight?”
    “Different species, different rules.” Howard dropped the car keys in his jacket pocket. “To stay healthy, we need to shift at least once a month, but it doesn’t depend on the moon. We can shift at will.”
    “Oh.” Phil was quiet for a moment as he scanned the woods. “I knew you could shift whenever you wanted, but I figured you were an Alpha.”
    “No such thing in our culture. Or I suppose you could say we’re all Alphas.” Howard slanted an amused look at the werewolf. “I guess that makes us superior—”
    “Ha. We’re not the ones on the verge of extinct—” Phil stopped himself. “Sorry.” Frowning, he turned to Howard. “If Rhett does like my father, he’ll have a bunch of pack members here for the monthly hunt. If they catch the scent of were-bear, they’ll come after you and your cousins.”
    “Worried about the three little bears? How kind of you.”
    “Will you be serious? There could be a hundred werewolves out there.”
    “I know. We came prepared.” Howard checked his watch. It was a quarter after eleven. “After the sun sets, we can call Dougal and get down to business. We’ve got about a ten-minute wait.”
    “Okay.” Phil settled back in the passenger seat. “So how does your friend Harry fit into the plan? He’s a were-bear, right?”
    “Yeah. Harry Yutu. His last name is Eskimo for ‘The Claw.’ ” Howard smiled, remembering how they’d been best friends all through school. “He was always reminding me that he’s bigger. He shifts into a polar bear.”
    Phil’s eyebrows lifted. “Are you kidding me?”
    “Didn’t know about them, huh?” Howard’s smile widened. “His dad and my dad were best friends. They owned a lumber company together up north off the Yukon River.”
    “Past tense?”
    Howard nodded, his smile fading. “They died in a fire when I was four. I think Harry was three.”
    “I’m sorry.”
    Howard waved a dismissive hand. “It’s okay. Our mothers took us to the Bear Claw Islands, and we grew up there. My grandfather was always more like a father to me.”
    “He kept you in line?”
    “Bearly.” Howard smiled when Phil groaned at his
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