Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale

Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale Read Online Free PDF

Book: Wickedly Wanton: A Ménage Regency Tale Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kristabel Reed
the sensual act on Faith's other leg, watching her the entire time.
    Her dark brown eyes deepened, closed as Sabine ran her fingers over the back of her knee. Laughing as she finished, she helped Faith stand and took her place on the fountain.
    The look Faith gave her froze the laughter in her chest. The hunger had returned.
    With exquisitely slow movements, Faith undressed her. She pushed her gown high, much higher than Sabine had with Faith's, so that it draped around her hips, falling in swathes along the rough stone. Exposed, open, Sabine didn't move. Could barely breathe as Faith untied the first garter.
    No area on her legs remained untouched as Faith removed her stockings. When she was finished, Faith pressed a lingering kiss to her inner right thigh.
    Sabine forgot to breath.
    Clearing her throat, body tense with the same sensations from the other day, Sabine stood and gathered her dress, lowering it somewhat to preserve whatever modesty she had left. Wading into the fountain, she searched for whatever it was Lord Severn wished them to find.
    “Got it,” she said, dipping into the deliciously cool water to retrieve the brass key.
    “There's another note.” Faith pointed to Poseidon's trident. Without waiting for Sabine to respond, she climbed onto the pedestal and reached for the parchment.
    “Faith!” she scolded, clutching her dress and the key with one hand as she steadied her friend. Faith's dress slipped from her fingers to fall over Sabine's shoulders.
    For the first time in her life, Sabine was all too aware of the feel of Faith's bottom in her hands, of the curves of her hips. How close she was to her womanly secrets.
    It's time to come inside and seek out my library. Find the ivory figurine.
    Retreating back into the house, feeling naked without her bonnet, gloves, and stockings, Sabine silently led the way. It took her a moment to regain her bearings, but they eventually found Severn's library. In no time at all, she discovered the figurine he spoke of.
    “Oh my,” she breathed, drawn to the figure of three naked Chinese—a man inside a woman, while a second woman sat, legs open wide, on her face, massaging her own breasts, head thrown back in clear enjoyment.
    With tentative fingers, she touched the delicately carved ivory. They moved, and for a panicked moment she feared she broke it. But no, they only separated. Removing the male, she could see his large erection. Wetness clenched her womb and she licked her lips.
    That was when she saw the note. With fingers that trembled slightly, Sabine removed it.
    Here, ladies, I want you to leave your outer gowns, remove one from the other. When you're properly undressed, find your way to my kitchen and the prize hidden there.
    “What does it say?” Faith asked, leaning close over her shoulder.
    Sabine started to show her the note, then stopped. “Turn round,” she whispered. With a mischievous smile, she flipped the note over and forcibly turned her confused friend around. “Stay still,” she said, brushing her fingers across the soft skin of Faith's shoulders.
    Unbuttoning the back of the gown, she was suddenly grateful they'd worn simple clothes for this visit. Oh, Sabine had debated wearing a fancy or provocative gown, but she couldn't arouse the suspicions of her maid. The girl would've gone to her father before Sabine had finished dressing.
    “What are you doing?” Faith demanded. But her voice was breathy and she didn't move from Sabine's grasp.
    Leaning closer, lips all but touching her ear, Sabine said, “Undressing you, of course.”
    So saying the gown fell from Faith's body to pool around her bare feet. She whirled, arms crossed across her breasts. But she breathed heavily, chest rising and falling in rapid movements that told Sabine she wanted this…wanted her .
    Tossing her head with delighted satisfaction, Sabine turned and waited for Faith to undo her gown. It seemed to take forever, but she felt more keenness for this arousing
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