Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1)

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Book: Wicked Wind (Solsti Prophecy #1) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Sharon Kay
absorbed most of the impact himself, then rolled and pinned her beneath him.
    Seconds stretched out as he studied her. He relaxed his hold on her a fraction, but she still couldn’t move under his massive bulk. “Nicole,” he said softly. “There are many things I want to do to you, but hurting you is not on the list.”
    She sucked in a breath at his bold statement. I don’t want to die here, like this, with a fire-conjuring madman. Fighting hadn’t worked. Flight hadn’t worked. She didn’t want to end up dead in the park, so that left her with two options—distract him or start talking.
    She gazed up at him with wary eyes. He was so handsome. A lock of dark hair fell over his forehead, and his lips looked way too kissable. Dangerous . She clenched her teeth and shoved the jumble of thoughts from her mind, disgusted with herself. He had her trapped, pinned on the ground, for heaven’s sake. She had to figure out a way to get away from him, not closer to him, like her traitorous body wanted.
    His blue eyes took on a soft turquoise luster, like in the club. Back then she thought she had imagined it. But now? “Why do your eyes look like they’re glowing?”
    “Certain situations cause it, like when I’m fighting someone. Or heightened emotions can cause it. Like anger.” He paused, pinning her with blue heat. “Or lust.”
    She drew in a breath, feeling the lengths of their bodies pressed together on the ground. She had the sinking feeling that distraction wouldn’t work. Yeah, maybe he was attracted to her, but he also seemed extremely determined. She may be able to briefly take his mind off of her power, but then she’d end up right back where she was.
    “I intend to keep you here until you answer my question,” he murmured, the sensual timbre of his voice sending little shivers down her arms. “I have all night. And I’m pretty comfortable right where I am.”
    Nicole let out a shaky breath. She swallowed hard. She was really going to do this. After years of hiding her gift, years of being so careful, she was about to spill her secret to someone she barely knew. Dammit, she was trapped. Maybe she could get away with just telling him a few details. Maybe then she could get away. “I…,” she began. “I don’t know what I am.”
    If he was surprised, he didn’t show it. His face revealed no reaction. Blue flames danced in his eyes, waiting, watching her.
    Another shaky breath. “I just always thought I was a regular person who had a really weird talent.” The words came a bit easier. “I’ve been this way as long as I can remember. I don’t know anything about demons or supernatural beings. I just thought I was a freak. A human freak.”
    More silence as he gazed down at her. Shifting, he stretched his long body next to hers, head propped on an elbow, one big hand resting solidly on her hip. “What exactly can you do?”
    “This,” she said, summoning a breeze to gently lift his hair. “Or I call a stronger gust, like with the purse-snatcher tonight. I can manipulate air currents, make them stronger, change their direction, and cause them to move objects. I can affect air temperature a little bit, too.”
    He raised his eyebrows.
    “Just a little–I’m still working on that part.”
    Blue eyes blinked and he gave a shake of his head, dark locks swishing across his forehead. “Nicole, those skills are powerful. Potentially lethal.”
    “I know. That’s another reason why I always kept it secret. I was afraid I’d hurt someone. Or get myself locked up in the loony bin.”
    “Did your parents ever help you figure it out?”
    She shook her head. “They were killed in a car accident when I was small. I don’t know if they even knew. And my adoptive parents don’t know about this.”
    “Who else knows about you?”
    “Just my sisters.” She would share her secret–and only hers, at least right now. She saw no reason to put her sisters in danger, in case Gunnar turned out to be a
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