Wicked Magic

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Book: Wicked Magic Read Online Free PDF
Author: K. T. Black
off-white sports bra. It was apparent that she dressed for comfort, not seduction.
    “If she only realized how delectable she is.” She smiled at Chandler’s crude attempt to hide a voluptuous body under an oversized shirt and baggy jeans.
    When Chandler finished dressing, Alex waved her hand in front of her mirror and changed it back to a normal reflection. She turned around and looked over at Zee. “She’s very good at hiding from herself, but I see who she truly is. I know what she is capable of and I intend to help her realize it. In the meantime, I may require your help.”
    “Anything you need, mistress. You know I live to serve you.”
    “Yes, I know you do.”
    Zee frowned a moment, looking as if she wanted to ask something but refrained.
    “What are you thinking, Zee?”
    “I was wondering why you don’t just use your power on her if you desire her so much.”
    “Because, my dear, this isn’t about lust. I want Chandler to be aware when she gives her heart to me.”
    “What would you like me to do to help you?”
    “I’ll let you know. I have something else I’m going to try first.”
    “Very good, mistress.”
    Alex waved her hand and changed Zee back into her normal state as Zelda.

Chapter 5
    It began to rain while Chandler walked along the upper trail. Random drops started out as small pitter pats, and then gradually built into a steady downpour. She’d been prepared for the rain to a point, but the harder it came down, the more she became inclined to turn around and head back to her vehicle.
    Before she made it to the parking lot her boots were covered in mud, and anything not covered by her rain jacket was saturated. She was cold and wet, but reluctant to return to her home.
    After she got inside her jeep, she sat and stared out the windshield. It was impossible to see anything as the glass was blurred by the torrent of rain beating down against her vehicle.
    Frustrated, she sighed as she debated what to do. She could head home and get into some warm dry clothes and maybe do some work, or she could head into town and spend a few hours hiding inside the local movie theater. She remembered Kara saying she wanted to get together and see a movie before school started up again.
    Decision made, she reached for her smart phone and dialed her friend’s number. After the fourth ring, Kara picked up.
    “Hello, Chandler. What’s up?”
    “Oh, I was wondering if you still wanted to go see a movie. You know, the one you were talking about. I thought today would be the perfect day since the weather is crap, and I’m not in the mood to work.”
    “Yeah, that would be great. There’s one at two o’clock.”
    “Okay. Let’s meet at the theater then.”
    “Aren’t you home?”
    “No. I decided to go hiking today. Kind of trapped inside my jeep at the moment. I got rained out while I was on one of the trails.”
    “Well, surely you knew it was going to rain today.”
    “I needed to get out.”
    “Silly girl. Well, I’m finishing something up, but I can meet you as soon as I’m done.”
    “Great. I’ll see you in a bit.”
    * * * *
    Chandler arrived at the movie theater before Kara. She purchased her movie ticket and went inside to wait for her friend. She paced the lobby and considered stopping in the arcade when she noticed Kara enter the building ten minutes later. She wasn’t alone. Walking beside her was Alex. Chandler froze when Alex looked right at her. Her body tensed as panic took hold of her. The woman was smirking at her like she knew all her dirty secrets. There was at least one, for sure.
    As Kara approached Chandler, she pulled a face, her head tilted to the side. “Something wrong?”
    “Um, no.” Chandler swallowed nervously. She glanced at Alex before she focused again on Kara.
    “You sure?”
    “Yes. I’m fine.” She needed to calm down or Kara would never let it drop.
    “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited Alex to come along. You have met Alex, haven’t you?”
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