Wicked Demons
and fought
consciousness until Andi grabbed his shoulders and shook him
    “Are you trying to rattle my bones loose?” he
asked, following his question with a weak laugh.
    “What is this? Where are we?”
    Sensing her unease, Michael sat up to inspect
their prison. Unaffected, he answered, “We’re in a chancer.” He
seemed visually calmer. However, this information did nothing for
    “A chancer. It’s an underground cage.”
    Andi panicked. Her breathing sped and her
heart hurt. It hurt from pounding back and forth in her chest,
stretching her ribs with fear.
    “Calm down.” Michael offered a hand on her
    “I can’t.” Her breath wheezed through her
strangling lungs. “I’m claustrophobic. Oh God, I’m… I’m having a
panic attack. I have to get out.”
    Assessing the level of shit getting ready to
hit the fan, Michael tried his best to talk her anxiety down.
    “We are in no immediate danger, but if you
panic, it could kill us. We are in a holding shaft—one of
many—until they come for us, which will be soon. You will live to
get out of here… Unless you panic.”
    Through quick gasps, Andi tried to focus on
her words as her eyes darted from corner to corner, searching for a
way out. “Was that supposed to be comforting? That was really
    Allowing the barest smile to shine through,
Michael guided her to lie down. Propping himself up with an elbow,
he motioned for her to close her eyes.
    “Just listen to my voice and feel my hand
across your forehead. I’m going to move it down to your cheek now.”
She was trying to calm down. “Good. I’m going to rub my fingers
through your hair and massage your scalp.” When she didn’t complain
or stop him, Michael continued. “Focus on the way my fingertips
feel across your skin.” He drew swirls on her neck and collarbone
with his fingernail. The action caused goosebumps on her arms.
    Andi was about to answer when the box they
were trapped in shifted suddenly, startling her. Dirt engulfed the
air. The cage scraped against a wall, creating a ghastly sound.
    The moment Andi’s eyes flew open, Michael
leaned in and kissed her lips. They were even softer than he
    Wrapping one hand around the back of her
neck, his fingers were immediately lost in the thickness of her
dark hair. He pressed his body into hers, chasing away her doubt
and fear, and rested his other hand on her hip.
    Michael only took his lips off hers to
whisper, “I want you. Even here, I want you. Pump your fear into
mine. Let me take it away for you. Let me in.”
    She knew what he was asking. He wanted to
take her right there in the cage like an animal. That’s what it
was, right? They were caged like wild animals with unknown
    A hand snaked to the waistband of the boxers
she wore, hovering, waiting for an answer. Willing it to be
    “Let me feed and grow strong so I may fight
and free us.”
    While her lust dueled with her brain, Andi
ran her hands under Michael’s shirt, caressing his sides as she
stretched forward for another kiss.
    “Take me,” she whispered. “Feed.”
    That’s all Michael needed to hear.
    A franticness possessed his hands as they
searched under the torn blouse for flesh while his mouth moved over
hers. Her energy, her vitality rose from her pores like glamoured
children marching to the Pied Piper. And Michael welcomed every bit
of essence, feeling an unexpected rush.
    “Wait,” Andi began to say. “Don’t take too
much.” But his pull was ferocious.
    Before he could acquiesce, the bars beneath
Andi shifted and suddenly sprung open, the hinge creating a great
creak, echoing throughout the nowhere surrounding them.
    Andi fell screaming into the darkness

    Feeling the harshness of her surrounding
before seeing it, Andi struggled to shift her weight, to move her
arms and straighten her legs. She had not been knocked unconscious,
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