WHO FOLLOWS: a gripping, dramatic, intense and suspenseful thriller

WHO FOLLOWS: a gripping, dramatic, intense and suspenseful thriller Read Online Free PDF

Book: WHO FOLLOWS: a gripping, dramatic, intense and suspenseful thriller Read Online Free PDF
Author: Diane M Dickson
shoulders, stiffened my spine and turned away.
    Oh yes I feel so very much better and so I jog back towards my home. Through the wood and the Heath and down the shimmering streets. As my feet pound the damp flagstones I feel a new resolve growing. I will handle things differently this time. My dearest Hannah, with you I will be sure to judge my time better. I am glad now that I haven’t spoken yet. Providence was with me last night, oh yes. All is well and my heart is light as I approach my road.
    I see that the massive car is still in my drive and as I draw nearer I see that Hannah has come to collect it. She is climbing into the driving seat and I raise a hand to wave, to catch her eye. That is when I notice that there is another figure in the car, a passenger in the other seat. Another woman I think. At this time in the morning who is this with her in the predawn light? Here she is collecting her car like a thief in the night and with a collaborator.

Chapter 15
    I am puzzled and uneasy. Was she trying to avoid meeting me? Surely not after the wonderful evening we spent. More importantly though who was the passenger in the other seat?
    As I take my shower I mull those moments and what I had seen over and over until I doubt the evidence of my own eyes. I know that the car has gone and so there is solid proof that I did indeed see Hannah but was it a trick of the dull light and shadow that made it appear that there was another figure inside? My mind whirls and my nerves jangle with perturbation. I must take control. Stepping out of the needling water I use a harsh towel to rub my body until it is pink and humming. Downstairs the watery light through my kitchen window shines on my scalding cup of coffee as I sit at the table trying to concentrate.
    I have spent a very emotional and highly charged night. No sleep, rather an excess of alcohol and the turmoil in my soul caused by the visit to the wood.
    In truth I know so very little about her life. I had taken it as read that Hannah lives alone. She tells me that she is divorced but continues to run the interior design business with her ex-husband. I assumed that she occupies the flat that she has, off the London Road by the hospital, alone.
    To date I have not declared my interest. The times that we have spent together have been as loving friends. She knows nothing of when I possessed her shawl, those wonderful nights when it lay across the pillow on my bed and I caressed it and smoothed it as I drifted into sleep. Tears start to my eyes at the thought that there is someone else who shares her life.
    I think that the shape in the car was female. Oh how cruel that would be for me to find that there is another love interest and that it should be someone like myself who appreciates Hannah’s beauty and femininity. Someone who treats her with gentle care as I would if only I were to be given the opportunity.
    I am bereft and my mind races this way and that, I am unable to catch a thought and pin it down. My hands shake and the coffee splashes onto the table top. Roughly I push back the chair and it tumbles to the floor scratching the front of the cupboard. I pace back and forth across the tiles, my hands wring and tears escape to trace lines across my cheeks.
    I take a deep breath. I declare aloud, “Stop now, stop it.” I stand before the window and allow my brain to settle, my thoughts to calm. I will go now, today. I will find the flat in the street off London Road and I will watch. It is something I do well. I will find a place from where to keep vigil, a place where I am invisible and I will watch and when I see the truth then I will make my plan.
    I leave the house and take my bicycle and ride through the quiet roads, round by the park and then down to the London Road. I have her address on a piece of paper. It is so easy now to find addresses on the internet. Just a couple of minutes that is all it took me. I can see it opposite to me, the converted Victorian mansion and
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