as red as a tomato. April hung in the doorway, her eyes cold. “That’s weird because I left it leaning against the computer table in its case and now it’s on the bed out of its case.”
Robin froze at the door. What was this all about? April looked furious.
“I didn’t touch it.” Molly sidled closer to Dad.
“Oh, pardon me. It must have been Jellybean. Or Hurly. I guess he decided to try my sax.”
Molly started to giggle and then looked at April’s face. “I didn’t break it or anything,” she mumbled into Dad’s stomach.
Dad pushed Molly gently away. “Molly?”
“I didn’t hurt it. I was just looking at it.”
“That saxophone cost a lot of money,” said April. “And I’d also like a bit of privacy.”
“I agree,” said Dad. “Molly, from now on April’s room is out-of-bounds, unless you’re invited. And you owe April an apology.”
Molly stiffened. “I’m glad I touched it!”
“I said I’M GLAD I TOUCHED IT!” yelled Molly.
“Hey!” said Dad. “Off to your room, young lady!”
Molly let her breath out with a noisy explosion. She burst into loud sobs and ran out of the kitchen.
“Sorry about that, April,” said Dad.
April frowned. “I just don’t like people going in my room, that’s all.”
Robin bit her lip. She waited for Dad to say something. He was scrubbing a pan with a Brillo pad,humming through his teeth. A sure sign he was bugged. Was he mad at April or at Molly? Robin wasn’t sure. She slipped outside and shut the door.
After she had put out the hay, she lingered by the corral, reluctant to go back inside. The geldings drifted like shadows between the piles of hay. Then they settled down to a smooth rhythmic chewing.
Robin tilted her face to the starry sky, searching for planets. She tried to bring back the feeling she’d had when she and April were skiing.
Talking, making plans. Like old times.
But the feeling was gone, like when Molly made a picture on her magic slate and then pulled the plastic sheet. All that was left was an empty gray hole.
On Monday morning, the school bus presented a problem. The driver, Mr. Thomas, hadn’t even come to a stop, and already Robin could see Kim through the window, rearranging herself to make room. Robin and Kim always sat together. Robin’s stomach tightened.
Then April said, “Oh yeah, I promised Molly I’d sit with her,” and Robin sagged with relief. Sometimes it was handy to have a younger sister.
When they got to school, Robin took April to the office to register. Then she led her down to the grade-five classroom. She showed her the empty desk beside hers. “Kim’s right behind me. You know her. And Bryn’s in front of you and Sarah’s behind you. You’ll like them.”
April didn’t look like she was listening. She was digging in her backpack.
“Have you got everything you need?” said Robin.
“For the hundredth time, yes.” April pulled out notebooks and a handful of loose pens.
First period was math. Mr. Nordoff passed out a worksheet on multiplying and dividing fractions. It was easy. Robin flew through the questions. She glanced sideways at April.
April was gripping her pencil, but she wasn’t doing anything. Just sitting there. Worry began to gnaw at Robin’s stomach.
She dropped her eraser and then leaned over to pick it up. On the way back up, she had a good look at April’spaper. She had written her name and had doodled in the corner. That was it. Robin’s stomach sank. April’s class probably hadn’t got to fractions yet. It wasn’t fair to expect her to just walk in and do the work.
Robin glanced at the front of the room. Mr. Nordoff was busy marking a stack of papers. She took a big breath. She leaned over and slid her paper onto April’s desk.
April froze for a second. Then she started to copy the answers, with a tiny frown on her face.
It was very quiet in the room, just the rustling of Mr. Nordoff’s papers and a few scattered sighs and shifting