White Walker
    “I’ll know.”
    “Then you’re gonna have to leave him.”
    “But I don’t want to. I love him.”
    “That’s not what you said two months ago.”
    “That was then, this is now.”
    Cody approached Judy and placed his hands on her
shoulders. “I understand. I might be a drunken ass half the
    “Only half the time?”
    “Funny. But I do know this. He’s the best thing in
the world for you and your baby right now. He has a future. What do
I have? I’m a drunk on his last warning. I seriously doubt I’ll
make it past the end of this month.”
    “But what if he finds out?”
    “Who’s gonna tell him?”
    Judy shrugged. “I don’t know.”
    “I’m not gonna say anything, so your secret is safe
with me. The only other person who knows is you.”
    “Knows what?” Teddy asked from the doorway. “And
what are you doing in the ladies’ room, Cody?”
    Cody looked around at the row of stalls along the
wall, sinks opposite, each with a mirror above. There were no
urinals. Of course not, dumb ass, this was the ladies room .
In his haste to make it to the bathroom he’d gone through the wrong
    “I’m sorry, had to puke, couldn’t make it to the
men’s room.”
    “Well, you better clear out. Calls are starting to
come in so I’ll need you in the rotation.”
    “Right,” Cody said before exiting the bathroom.
    Teddy waited for the door to close before he turned
to Judy. “We’ve gotta talk.”
    “I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past
    The door swung open and Liz walked in. She was a
tall redhead with a who gives a shit attitude.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize there was a meeting
planned for in here. Do you mind if I use the facilities?”
    “Yeah, sorry, go ahead,” Teddy said before he turned
to Judy. “Let’s talk in the break room.”

    Judy followed Teddy into the hall where he stopped
and turned to confront her.
    “What was all that about back there?” he said.
    “You and Cody? What’s going on?”
    “Nothing,” she said as she shook her head. “I had to
go, he was in one of the stalls sick. I asked him if he was all
    “You’re sure? He’s not bothering you or anything, is
    “No, of course not. I just asked if he was
    Teddy looked at her for a moment, as if he were
deciding whether he should believer her or pursue the issue
further. “What did he mean by the only other person who knows is
    Judy shrugged as she looked around to make sure no
one else was within earshot. “He and Liz are seeing one another,”
she whispered in a conspiratorial tone as she leaned in close.
“They don’t want anyone else to know.”
    “Is that all?”
    “That’s everything. He doesn’t want Liz to get into
any trouble because of his own problems.”
    “I thought it was something else.”
    “What? Did you think it had something to do between
him and me?”
    “No, nothing like that.”
    “Are you jealous?”
    “No, not at all. I mean he’s a fun guy, right? Me,
I’m an old stick in the mud.”
    “He’s fun only if you like waking up with a hangover
every morning.”
    “Are you sure there’s nothing else?”
    “Absolutely,” she said with a smile, even though it
pained her to lie to Teddy like she was. She wasn’t ready yet to
share her news.
    “Come on, let’s sit down and talk,” Teddy said,
motioning for her to follow him.
    As Judy followed Teddy into the break room she knew
all too well what he wanted to talk to her about. She had known for
quite some time that it would come to this. Changes were afoot, not
only in her life, but in her body, and her emotions were like a
roller coaster running at top speed, threatening to derail at the
next turn.
    I will not cry , she promised herself, at
least not in front of him.
    They had been together for a little more than a year
and over that time she had come to love him. She honestly enjoyed
having him in her life. In fact she had
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